Orotle's awakening - Introduction & Comment thread


My PVE World of Warcraft guild decided a while back to try their hands at RP. I was in a group that used to RP in Phantasy Star Online and I always enjoyed coming up with side stories for our in-game personas. It definitely made the game more interesting than simply leveling up a character.

Unfortunately, my guild's WoW RP group never took off, but I did start a backstory for my character. I thought I'd go ahead and post it here for your enjoyment. You'll probably get more out of it if you've played WoW. Also, if I were seriously writing for something to be published, this would merely be a rough draft. However, this is just for fun, so please excuse any spelling and grammatical errors.

I was working on this almost exactally a year ago, got to a cliff hanger moment, and stopped writing. I'm sharing what I have up to that point. I'll probably write some more, but the direction I was going was dependent on the RP group. Since that fizzled out, I'll need to figure out a new direction to take it if and when I continue the story.

For those that do not play WoW, Orotle is part of the Tauren race in the Horde faction. The Tauren are creatures that resemble cows. The two opposing factions are Alliance (Humans, Night Elves, Dwarfs, Gnomes, and Draenai), and Horde (Orcs, Tauren, Trolls, Blood Elves, and Undead). The locations described in the story are based on locations in the game. However, I have taken a few liberties with the characters & locations.

Orotle's Awakening - Story thread
This is pretty amusing to read, thanks for doing, it must take a lot to do huh?

NP, I figured I'd paste it here for fun. It's not long, so it didn't take long to write. I just don't have the same motivation as when the group was going to RP. I may or may not finish it. If I decide not to finish it, I'll paste in my notes revealing the missing info if people actually care about it. :)