...Open-Air Update...


New Member
...Open-Air Update...

...the next Open-Air will be Wednesday 8:00pm server time on Stonemaul...location: Ironforge...all interested Brothers will be able to find me (Phyrcc) mounted on the bridge between the Bank and AH...prayer is requested for speaker and hearers...May God bless us all...

...End Update...
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Please remember not to mention Redeemed if you are sharing Christ publicly. It sucks, but Blizzard has some pretty serious rules against open air evangelism in WoW. We want to avoid issues we have run in to in the past with (as well as other Christian guilds have had in the past) about showing unfair recruiting standards. It is possible, if the wrong thing is said, to have the guild name changed, have the leaders put on temporary bans, or to have the guild disbanded.

But other than that... Good luck. lol
I wish you good providence tonight and pray the Holy Spirit is active in this event. Don't let anyone in the crowd nor in this guild discourage you. Even if initial response is nothing but negative, you will be planting seeds in many that may be watered and grown at another time.

ps. I assume you are doing this on a Unguilded account in order to protect the fellowship...
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I wish you good providence tonight and pray the Holy Spirit is active in this event. Don't let anyone in the crowd nor in this guild discourage you. Even if initial response is nothing but negative, you will be planting seeds in many that may be watered and grown at another time.

ps. I assume you are doing this on a Unguilded account in order to protect the fellowship...

No....it was on a guilded toon but the guild leader suggested using the AH in Stormwind to avoid rowdies.
Hmm, I am all for the idea and think its grand. But a guilded toon bothers me because you are representing all the people that play in that guild. If there was not unanimous consent that this was an OK way to represent the guild (open air evangelism) then I would personally feel it should be on an non-redeemed toon.

Now it is in the TOJ charter that we are expected to witness to other gamers through our lifestyle and personal testimony but "open-air street preaching" is more controversial. One has to take the history of the name "Redeemed" on the Stonemaul server into account before they do any action in the game wearing its tag.