Open-Air Report


New Member
Greetings Brothers,

Wednesday night at 8:00pm (server time) was the second Open-Air Preaching I have done in WoW. It went well.

I have posted some screenshots for those you who are wondering what it is but have not been able to attend. (See Attached Thumbnails)

Also, I would encourage all to check out This ministry, started by Ray Comfort, has revolutionized my evangelism. Ever felt like your witnessing lacked the power it needed? Well, then, check out Hell's Best Kept Secret on (you can listen to it for free). God wants us to be effective ambassadors of His Kingdom but don't forget that Satan doesn't! Satan has worked hard to make you ill-equipped for the battle over people's souls. Satan has also confused the Church about what effective evangelism is!

Anyway, check it out for yourself and get equipped to storm the Gates of Hell and rescue those who are perishing!

May God Lead You,
Praise God. The good news of His glory can not be contained. If they try and quiet you, even the rocks will cry out His praise.
Thanks for the update. Amazing bit of evangelism! And the folks obviously did not recognize it for what it was. Amazing. Thanks for doing this. This is an awesome idea. Thanks for sharing your source.

I have a suggestion - quit trade chat. Also, I think Prat will save your dialogue and you can copy it to a .doc file or whatever. It might be easier than keeping up with screen shots. Thanks for posting, tho.
The message this week at church was about the bad impression people who stand on a soap box and preach that people are sinners and that they need Jesus or they are going to hell, Satan is going to get you fear tactic leaves for the rest of us Christians to overcome. He taught that we need to be generous, loving, and merciful everyday, all the time, in order to show people what God's version of a Christian is. /confused
God is loving

God is a loving, kind, and merciful God! all true.. But also equally true.. is that those who DONOT repent and put their trust in Jesus Christ are headed for a horrible place.. by their OWN rejection.

The bible says that Gods wrath abides on the Unbelievers. If they reject Jesus Christ, they will end up in Hell!

I see nothing wrong with telling people the truth. Because it IS THE TRUTH! If people dont turn from this wicked, dark world, they shall perish.

and people like phyrcc and ray comfort and anyone else(myself included) WANT people to be truly saved. If they do not hear the truth they will be lost eternally. So if one must stand up on a soap box to speak the truth, amen!

And to send his Son JESUS to die on a cross for wretched people like myself and everyone else is TRULY the ultimate love.

When sharing the law(the 10 commandments) we are showing people of the mirror of God's holiness. And we all fall short of that.

The truth of the matter is.. most people see themselves as GOOD. and without Jesus christ, we ARE NOT!
The lord says there is NOT ONE good person. NO not one!
Showing people in the light of the commandments lets them see their true nature.. and why WE NEED a savior.
God bless the soldiers who are speaking God's truth.. .IN LOVE.
i will put in my two cents since this seems to be picking up interest and steam.

the tactic currently being used, i see more as a jack-in-the-box approach. The music brings people in, wondering what will happen. Then BAM, scary death message of doom because you are a sinner.

Now I know this analogy is a little extreme, but that's just what I feel like when I hear a message like this. For some, it works! GREAT! I'm only saying that while your motives are in love, some might be mistaking that for judgment and condemnation based on your delivery.

There is no universal message that will teach everyone the truth of Jesus' saving ministry without turning someone off. I know that you're motives are awesome and I applaud you in your efforts. Maybe you could try different approaches/types of messages and see what kind of reaction you get. You might find that you can reach more people with different messages. Good luck in your efforts and may God bless you and those you touch.
The message this week at church was about the bad impression people who stand on a soap box and preach that people are sinners and that they need Jesus or they are going to hell, Satan is going to get you fear tactic leaves for the rest of us Christians to overcome. He taught that we need to be generous, loving, and merciful everyday, all the time, in order to show people what God's version of a Christian is. /confused

Within the context of the teaching, follow the teaching. You are a very generous and loving person, you* will sow more seeds continuing that over doing street corner ministries.

*emphasis added

people who see it as judgement and condemnation are accurate.. They will be judged. But NOT by us. We are simply warning them of their impending peril. I see nothing wrong with this approach. We should, however, be tactful, and loving, and kind.. but still speak THE TRUTH!

You present it this way(thru the law) because most people dont see themselves as BAD people.. but when we show them the mirror of God's holiness, there is a clearer illustration of the danger they are in. THEY ARE DOOMED! Unless someone pays the fine. which is why WE share the GOOD NEWS!

and the Good news is that God is TRULY loving and kind and merciful.. that is why he WANTS TO SAVE US.

people get turned off because they love the darkness. Period. and while i agree it might not work on everyone..that is true of every witness encounter. some will listen.. some will remain lost.

I praise God for all my brothers and sister no matter how you try to reach the lost. Bless u all
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"But what does it matter? The important thing is that in every way, whether from false motives or true, Christ is preached. And because of this I rejoice. Yes, and I will continue to rejoice," Phil 1:18

I just wanted to encourage you to keep sharing the good news. No one can truly be saved unless they realize their need for the Savior. :)

I put these here as an encouragement:

Proverbs 28:1
The wicked man flees though no one pursues, but the righteous are as bold as a lion.

Acts 4:29
Now, Lord, consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness.
My Brothers,

I want to say I love you all. I know there are many things we will not all agree on, that is OK. I know this approach it not liked or accepted by most of the American Church. But let us look at where this example comes from:

Repent for the kingdom of Heaven is near.”
-Matthew 4:17

“The time has come. The kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the good news”
-Mark 1:15

“Unless you repent you too will perish.”
-Luke 13:3

“…such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned.”
-John 15:6

John the Baptist: (remember he was to “prepare the way” for Jesus)
"Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near."
-Matthew 3:2

"The axe is already at the root of the trees, and every tree that does not produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire."
-Matthew 3:10

"His (Jesus') winnowing fork is in His hand, and He will clear the threshing floor, gathering His wheat into the barn and burning up the chaff with unquenchable fire."
-Matthew 3:12

He went into all the country around the Jordan, preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins.
-Luke 3:3

John said to the crowds coming out to be baptized by him, “You brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee from the coming wrath? Produce fruit in keeping with repentance.”
-Luke 3:7-8

The Disciples:
They went out and preached that people should repent
-Mark 6:12

(After telling the crowd they are the ones who nailed Jesus to the cross) “Repent and be baptized, everyone one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins.”
-Acts 2:38

(Once again right after Peter tells a crowd that they killed Jesus) “Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out…”
-Acts 3:19

“…He (God) commands all people everywhere to repent. For He has set a day when He will judge the world…”
-Acts 17:30-31

The Prophets: (It would take forever to list all the references from the prophets of God)
Repent! Turn from your idols…
-Ezekiel 14:6

“Son of man, confront Jerusalem…”
Ezekiel 16:2

“You must speak my words to them, whether they listen or fail to listen.”
Ezekiel 2:7

“Go to the great city of Nineveh and preach against it
Jonah 1:2

When God saw what they did and how they turned from their evil ways, He had compassion…
Jonah 3:10

“The Redeemer will come to Zion, to those in Jacob who repent of their sins,” declares the Lord.
-Isaiah 59:20

Other Teachings:
If anyone turns a deaf ear to the law, even his prayers are detestable.
Proverbs 28:9

He who conceals his sin does not prosper but whoever confesses and renounces them finds mercy.
Proverbs 28:13

So the law was put in charge to lead us to Christ…
Galatians 3:24

So we can see that the message is rather clear all throughout the Bible. But we must also concede that while the message is offensive, we should not be. This is God’s message from the beginning to all men, “Repent. Turn to me.”

Now, if you are looking for a message with no sharp edges, which you will not feel awkward presenting, you are not going to find it, unless you go for one that is not scriptural. Many have taken death, repentance, hell and even sin out of their “witnessing”. This is not good practice. Please allow me to show how:

An Airplane Analogy:
The pilot knows it is only a matter of time before the plane is going to crash. The only way for the passengers to save themselves is by jumping out of the airplane at the appropriate time. So, he tells the two stewards to inform the passengers.

The first steward, not wanting to upset anyone, begins informing the passengers, “Hey, we have these parachutes. They are very good for you and it will very much improve your flight. You know I have been a very nice steward so trust me. See I have one on, don’t you want one?”

The second steward, full of the concern and compassion for the passengers, approaches it quite differently. He stands up in front of the sleeping and unsuspecting passengers and shouts, “Attention everyone. I know you have not noticed any problems with the aircraft and you feel quite safe but I must warn you: we will all have to jump soon. You NEED the parachutes we have if you want to survive! It will be a fall of about 25,000 feet to CERTAIN DEATH if you do not get your parachute soon enough!”

Now I know that all analogies have their faults and limits, but do you see the point? If we are politically correct and timid stewards, who is going to listen to our weak message? The power of the message is in the severe consequences. If the steward never tells the passenger he will have to jump out of the airplane, the passenger will never put his parachute on.
The jump is death and judgement. The parachute is Jesus. Without the jump, there is no need for a parachute. That is why no one puts on Jesus anymore, because they don’t think they have to jump. Woe to us who are not good stewards! (Ezekiel 3:18-19) (Matthew 7:19 – What kind of tree are you?) (Matthew 7:14 – The path is narrower than most think. Do you know how narrow it is?)

Please read your Bibles and seek God. Don’t just listen to all you hear. Don’t just call yourself a Christian, be a warrior for the Gospel. Remember, “Those who want to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.” (2 Tim 3:12) Don't you think you can escape it.

Please, let's talk about the Word, not opinions (2 Tim 2:14). Remember we can disagree, that is fine. I would encourage us all to search the scriptures to be sure we are agreeing with God (2 Tim 2:15).

God bless you all as you seek Him,
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Oh, yeah. I forgot something very simply but very important. This will help us all in sharing the Gospel:
God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.
-James 4:6 and 1Peter 5:5
As a rule of thumb for evangelism:

  • Law to the proud, Grace to the humble.

Which means: If the person's heart is humble, give them the Gospel. If the heart is hard, give them the Law to humble them.
Remember: Humility is the necessary ingredient for the Gospel. He only gives grace to the humble.

God will help us,

PS - I just found the
tags! LOL