Obama broke the law

old news that noone cares about. its sad but true
So, does this mean that it's against the law to sit down for "The Star-Spangled Banner" at a baseball game? Technically, but you won't get in trouble. Though the procedure for listening to the national anthem is spelled out in the U.S. Code, you can't be punished for breaking the rules. That would likely be considered a violation of the First Amendment. For instance, the Supreme Court ruled that Jehovah's Witnesses had the right to skip the pledge.

Ya he broke the law.. kinda, but it wasnt a big law. A lot of people break that law.
Im not saying that what he did wasnt right but i dont think its that big of a deal. Some people do and some people dont. Personally i remove my hat and hold my hand on my heart but i know a lot of people that dont, so am i supposed to through them in jail?
Ya he broke the law.. kinda, but it wasn't a big law. A lot of people break that law.
I'm not saying that what he did wasn't right but i don't think its that big of a deal. Some people do and some people don't. Personally i remove my hat and hold my hand on my heart but i know a lot of people that don't, so am i supposed to through them in jail?

They broke the law, there should be consequences.
I've heard a theory that Obama may not be a serious candidate to begin with. That his intent is to gather votes then drop out of the race and give the high sign to Hilary thus garnering more press and votes than one candidate could do alone. Considering he is both black and Muslim (Muslim popularity is questionable right now) and people are slow to accept new things I find him unlikely as winning. Hilary may be a woman, but, that's only one new thing compared to two AND her popularity has been around for awhile. I'm just wondering if Gore is going to toss his hat in... (I really haven't been watching though).
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You should arrest me too; I'm pretty sure I've done that at least once. Nothing makes you jaded to group recitation of pledges like a Christian school education.

I'm not defending Obama, by the way, I think he'd make an awful president. But I think there are better reasons to criticize his campaign-- his platform, for instance.
I don't believe Obama is running to win this year. I believe Obama is running to win in 12 or 16 years.

Why do I think this? Two reasons:
  1. As "forward-thinking" as society claims to be, race is still an issue. America is not ready for an African American President. (America is also not ready for a female President, so no need to worry about Hillary taking office.) A reasonable person understands that a qualified man is a qualified man, regardless of skin color. The same reasonable person understands that most people aren't reasonable. Racism still lives in America.
  2. He doesn't have the experience. He has the charisma, yes, but not the experience. But there's a good chance he'll be a strong contender in the 2020 or 2024 Presidential race.
I may not agree with his platform, but I also recognize the man's not stupid. He, and his campaign party, are thinking ahead.
I doubt the contry could stand having the antichrist, er Hilary as president. One quote "I have so many ideas but this county just cant afford them all", who wants more taxes? I sure don't.
You should arrest me too; I'm pretty sure I've done that at least once. Nothing makes you jaded to group recitation of pledges like a Christian school education.

I'm not defending Obama, by the way, I think he'd make an awful president. But I think there are better reasons to criticize his campaign-- his platform, for instance.

You guys might be right that he is not running to win, it's just part of his evil plan to dominate the world.

I think it is only against the law with major political reps. I'll look it up.
I think it is only against the law with major political reps. I'll look it up.

I would hope that the law would apply to everyone. and that no one is outside the law. I think a better question would be "I think its only a big deal when ________" the only reason its a big deal is because the media or anyone else wanted to discredit Obama and try and knock him out of the race more.
I agree, though Hilary may have the popular vote now, there is much that can change in 1 year, history has proven that time and time again, I don't even know if i should vote...it's nearly impossible to find a Christian candidate that doesn't lose face and morph into what the public wants them to. (on a side note, during my Government class, My teacher said something about 3% being mormons, a student thought he said Morons, in which case the teacher said taht would be 99%, and i completely agree)
I made a mistake in my last post Obama is not a Muslim. I did not make the assumption because of any e-mail or gossip, I simply forgot to check. Which by the way is exceedingly rare for me and I may add I caught the mistake without outside prompting.

I don't believe Obama is running to win this year. I believe Obama is running to win in 12 or 16 years.

Why do I think this? Two reasons:
  1. As "forward-thinking" as society claims to be, race is still an issue. America is not ready for an African American President. (America is also not ready for a female President, so no need to worry about Hillary taking office.) A reasonable person understands that a qualified man is a qualified man, regardless of skin color. The same reasonable person understands that most people aren't reasonable. Racism still lives in America.
  2. He doesn't have the experience. He has the charisma, yes, but not the experience. But there's a good chance he'll be a strong contender in the 2020 or 2024 Presidential race.
I may not agree with his platform, but I also recognize the man's not stupid. He, and his campaign party, are thinking ahead.

I agree with the Obama part, but, I think Hillary has a tiny possibility of winning. It is not so much based on her as the lack of a serious republican contender. Yes usually a party gets unified later on it just seems like no strong Republicans have emerged compared to the Democratic ones, maybe it's the media IDK. Unless Al Gore joins in she has the most name recognition to me of all the Democratic candidates. Someone has to win the Democratic nomination and Hillary is the one I think has the best chance (although that may change).

Some people say we already had her as president for 8 years anyway :D

One must not discount the "fluke" either. I'm amazed that with the way we have (basically) a two party system, which battles it out for at least a year, that more nominees haven't suffered something during that time that removes them entirely from the running. I'd think at some point a candidate would die, have some health problem or a BIG scandal (they seem to only have small "acceptable" ones at election time -_-) and their opponent would win by virtue of being the only established candidate. Remember too how close an election can be even if a outcome seems certain, Bush/Gore, the chads, the CHADS! :p SO EVERYONE VOTE!

You should arrest me too; I'm pretty sure I've done that at least once. Nothing makes you jaded to group recitation of pledges like a Christian school education.

I'm not defending Obama, by the way, I think he'd make an awful president. But I think there are better reasons to criticize his campaign-- his platform, for instance.
??? Way, way back in elementary school I had wondered what the point of a forced pledge of allegiance was. Certainly any oath taken under duress cannot be expected to be believed as earnest. However my opinion changed as reciting the pledge of allegiance is in effect saying I will follow and uphold the laws and principals that this nation was founded on. For all the liberties provided by our nation (like government funded public schools) I don't think saying "I will uphold the principles that gave them to me and not stab you in the back" is to much to ask. Considering that people can have vastly different interpretations of those principles it becomes even less to ask. In addition a group act of loyalty does have a binding and reinforcing effect on people, either in peer pressure or in a sense of family. Those who would not follow those laws in earnest may do so for threat of being a social outcast.

Breaking the law by not placing his hand on his heart during the anthem is not that big a deal to me either. At least the whole Obama hand thing has served a purpose for showing what Obama is like. Although I wish I had a clearer explanation as to his motivations. He has stated his reason regarding not wearing a American pin in that it was not "true patriotism". While that may be true I see no reason to not to place ones hand on your heart other than PR. I'll have to look for a more precise explanation when time allows.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pledge_of_Allegiance Hmmm the author of it was a Christian Socialist. I kind of thought you had a tiny leaning towards that Kranic?

I agree, though Hilary may have the popular vote now, there is much that can change in 1 year, history has proven that time and time again, I don't even know if i should vote...it's nearly impossible to find a Christian candidate that doesn't lose face and morph into what the public wants them to. (on a side note, during my Government class, My teacher said something about 3% being mormons, a student thought he said Morons, in which case the teacher said taht would be 99%, and i completely agree)

Don't vote for someone, vote to keep someone out -_-. Seriously though I have my limits on who I would vote for too as I have stated elsewhere. If you choose not to vote because there is no candidate you can back I support you, but, if you don't vote because of apathy (my vote doesn't matter) or laziness I strongly disagree.

The Gerbil getting busy here so I may not post for a bit. Shalom.
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I would hope that the law would apply to everyone. and that no one is outside the law. I think a better question would be "I think its only a big deal when ________" the only reason its a big deal is because the media or anyone else wanted to discredit Obama and try and knock him out of the race more.

I wish i could give you guys something to show my happiness...

ANY WAY! well i am not sure what the law states...i can't find like the US law site...any one know the address?
meh.... that is really minor... i mean... i think the people who will vote for him, probably agree that we aren't obligated to put our hand over our hearts during the national anthem.