

New Member
gratz Brootis / Fierce for assist on a great raid last night. Brootis (vilentwisper) took in a team to ICC 10 and cleared rot/fester/put/blood and val, one shotting most of it!

though they did completely forget to take a screenie for us.....does that mean it didn't happen?

Wed - tonight - progession team takes on LK
Wed - tonight - ICC 10 late raid also
Thur - ICC
Fri - Gnome run
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cleared put and blood again tonight, good job raiders. thanks for leading Brootis, and Shamshamm for helping out with some great strats.
What an awesome time we had on a Friday evening in a guild ICC 25!!! It was a blast! McFeirce did not think we would have enough and started spamming for an ICC 10, but we sure surprised him! And me! I did not know we were all so broke on a Friday night that we had nothing else to do! LOL! Great fun run with the guildies!
Wish i had gone...was playing with the folks. And my sister was over for a bit. Seriously cool mount incoming from that.. :p