New Patch!


Tribe of Judah Unreal Tournament Chapter Co-leader

Glad fid getting nerfed. I can't stand him, but still sad that mordekeiser is not getting a nerf nor is oriana and annie : ( I think my biggiest complaint is morde latley. Even with all the AD and armor pen I have, I can't ever hurt him without taking 103984 dmg from dumb maces. A good Morde will never use his maces unless he know he can hit you with them. He's a really cheap champ for what he does. I hope for shield nerf soon ; ( I'll also state that I'm terrified of panth. I'm not even afraid of cassiopia anymore. Panth is much scarier, and now that he's getting crazy buffs, I will never lane against him ever again. I feel that his passive should block a percentage, not 100% of the dmg because my double shot is worthless.
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It is a pretty common view point that anything which counters your favorite champs should be nerfed :D. Really, if you see a Pantheon on the enemy team and you feel your laning game will be too hampered, pick a different champ.
Mostly picking a different champ, that's like telling him to take boots....
Trist tends to do a bit better against Panth, since her harass includes ~4 Magic nukes that can't be Blocked, and she can jump out of his AOE (rather than attempting to ooze away without strut/boots). And she's kyoot.

Corki's very similar, if you ever pick him up. All of his nukes are unBlockable, and he can jump away too.

Ashe's Focus can be blocked. Caitlyn's Headshot can too, but traps and net keep her a bit safer from his jumps.

Teemo and Kog'Maw both rely on attack speed and magic damage, so they aren't hurt much by block at all (unless they changed it without mentioning so in the patchnotes, Teemo still Poisons panth on blocked shots!).

And obviously someone like Alistar can turn Panth into cowpies, but Alistar doesn't use Infinity Edge so he doesn't exist :p