New server


New Member
Hi all,

Just wanted to be sure everyone in the guild knew were most of us have been lately. Needing a vacation from being an alb a handful of us created new alts on Bors server Midguard. We are having a blast and its fun to see how the other side grows. So if your bored and lonely hop on over to Bors Midguard and check us out.

I am playing Katiya a skald
blednnyn is a savage named Bledie
Malo is a shaman named Koah
Colbi is a healer named Bjovos
Seld is something named Seldy
and Zigafus, Avenger, and Odale have an alt there to but I'm honestly to tired to remember the names. (perhaps they can post it for me here)

Hope to see you there!
I am not sure if these are spelled right but I will give it try

Zigafus = Fuschnick (Berserker)
Odale= Morttor (Runemaster)
Avengar = Farntrig (Shaman)
Ahh, I actually WAS wondering why it seemed so quiet...

I was on a raid led by Vacca last night that finally killed Apocalypse for the first time last night! It was very satisfying to see him finally get dropped.

Elsewise, I've gotten a little bored with my Sorcerer, so he's currently a vault mule in diogel for Philippi. I started a Minstrel though by rerolling Thessalonica (I'm infringing on your territory Jaz!!!

Hope everyone is having a good weekend, God bless
I was wondering if I smelled...I mean I took a shower and all, but as soon as I show up it gets really quite....


God is God and I am not.
We have had a houseful of guests for the last week or so and have not been able to play. I am sorry we weren't in on the ground floor with the Mids alts.

Unless Bors has something special going for it, we would have loved to have you all start alts on Morgan LeFay (Midgard), where we have established characters in the 40s and could have helped get everyone off on a good footing with armor and weapons and a bit of coin. Since we haven't played there since before SI went live, we still each have 4 empty slots there as well to make newbies with you.

Actually, we both (Rashta and Serasia) love and miss Midgard as a realm. It is still our favorite. Ah well. It seems that our time off line always comes at a bad time.

Well, not all of us have gone to Bors.

My experiments with Mids have never been on Bors or Morgan unfortunately and I don't have time to begin new ones.

I have played them enough...and against them believe Mids have an advantage in RvR over the other realms that is not simply Alb complaining.

Intsant AoE mez is all powerful...not to mention awesome gtaoe...and very hard to kill Trolls.
I honestly wouldn't know.  We haven't done very much RvR and were pretty much strictly PvE with our Midgard characters.  As well as crafting.

I like Midgard just simply because I believe the class capabilities are better spread out and are more fun to play.  Also, I just like the scenery and architecture better there.  But then, I love log homes in RL.  

You all probably did not know this, I know Zigafus did, but I have a bunch oy Middies on Nimue. Im kinda disappointed you all didnt go there. Its a role play server like perc is, bors is not I dont think. Not sure about MLF (I dont think it is either.) Currently on Nimue the middies have a huge advantage, 5 out of 6 relics, and nearly perpetually have DF.

But, if any one wants to go to Nimue/Midgard look for Alfadur (43 thane), Skyggesson (29 shadowblade), Ull (20 shaman), or Nocct (baby blade.)

I have not been on perc/alb much lately so I didnt really notice the absence.

Is there a Christian Guild on Bors? There is not one on Nimue, that I know of anyway.