need tie breaker ideas

Let's see. Competition. Competition...

I can't think of anything very humorous... so I'll just throw something different out. How about a revote. Make sure you have an odd number of voters. You can always add the president to the vote in case of an even group of people.
Full contact mini-golf with no taking turns...just a body-checking race to the finish.

on your mark, get set, GO!!!
i think the chugging of tobasco sauce is the best idea currently, and a revote is extremely biased, becuase we have an influx of new people that will vote for the new person over the older one, but tobasco sauce is pretty fair matchup
How about an old fashioned peanut scramble.
Whoever can gather the most peanuts in an alotted time wins.:)
just get couple bags of peanuts from the store and cut and burst em out and start a timer?
actually i think im gonna use the peanut idea and video tape it :D