my wrist


it was really raining and slippery at soccer practise and I slipped and fell really hard on my left wrist on it's swelled up a lot and I'm typing with one hand now... it's on ice but it hurts a lot even if I don't move it (moving it makes it worse....)
sooo anyway I'm getting xrays soon. It'll suck if it's broke because that's only the first practice and I can't play with a cast..... anyway just pray for that. thanks!
Will pray for ya C$! Get a red cast if you get one too! Then sign STC on it =D
prayin for ya little buddy. my right wrist was hurting after my accident so i deffinitly know what it feels like
Turns out I landed so hard my growth plate+my bone slammed each other. Anyway unless there's a compression fracture they didn't see on the xray it's only a pretty bad sprain thingy. So I can play soccer :D
Well all is well I got it x-rayed again and a radiologist looked at it this time and there's definitely no fracture, just a sprain. :D and besides that the pain is way down and I can play bass again!!!!