My old guild

Reco Suave

New Member
I wanted to drop this post as some good information on a very well ran guild. I was part of Zephyros on EQ when I used to play on a pvp server. It was a very respected guild and I am sure is the same on its WoW server as well. I really love their application guidelines and thought I would leave a link to let anyone interested read them. I think they have alot of great best practices so to speak for well ran end game guild. They are "Hard Core" no doubt and have strict requirements but I think they offer alot of things that will help this guild continue to grow and do endgame content on its own. We no doubt have a different feel due to our faith but alot of these rules are good for all people. Anyways just thought I would drop the link...

(oh btw please nobody take this as I am saying this guild is not well run. This is just fyi so to speak. Please nobody take any offense.)
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I read those rules and I must say, I agree with a lot of it, however, reading them has also raised some major questions in my mind: where do you draw the line? Is it really realistic to expect to play 30+ hours a week for months on end? Where do you stop controling the game and the games start contolling you?
This guild is "HARD CORE" Leave that part out of time requirements and such. The structure of how there should be no comments or emotes made after a pvp kill. No chat at all in any general chat, says, etc except for LFG or Trade. Its good discipline that reflects a well organized and oiled machine. It is alot of common sense but some great rules. Also I like if a officer says we are doing this or that, all drop what they are doing and do as our leaders ask. I like the mentality of we play the game for the guild betterment, helping one another, and not just our own selfish desires. Its just good stuff to always remember when we help out our guild brother and sisters. This may mean running instances for a friend that you have did 5 zillion times.
I think the best way to describe the difference between a casual and a hard core guild is like this:

In a hard core guild, the individual exists for the guid.
In a casual guild, the guild exists for the individual.