my account got banned....


Tribe of Judah Unreal Tournament Chapter Co-leader
for 3 So enough people in the tribunal did not like that I don't buy boots rofl.
Oh, League of Legends. The only game where you can get banned from the entire game for choosing to buy a different in-game item.

EDIT: Are you sure that's why you got banned? That seems like a stretch, even for the pit of vitriol that is the LoL community.
I don't know how to really check. If you view the tribunals you might be able to see why the exact reason was for the ban.
He got banned for sploiting. His crits were too high. l2playfair, nubs.
I would assume that he got reported for Refusal to Communicate, Assisting Enemy Team, Intentional Feeding, and such; and then when the judges saw the dozens of games with 13+ deaths and no boots/banshee/mallet/hexdrinker/wits end/etc, they assumed he was indeed dying on purpose.

Had he got the scores he did with real items, he would have been reported less often (from getting better scores, and looking like he was actually trying to win in the games he got bad scores), and had he still somehow gotten enough reports to reach the Tribunal (percentage does play a role, someone who gets reported 10 times in 20 games is worse than someone reported 30 times in 500 games), the judges would have less reasons to click Punish. But when he trolls every single game... lots of reports, reports packed closely together instead of spread out, and the triple bloodthirster 2-13 score does nothing to encourage the judges to hit Pardon.

Kind of impressed he lasted this long; maybe his few hundred games back when he got Mercs and Banshee's on Ashe kept his percentage low enough?
In all honesty, defensive items or not....everyone can have a horrible game sometimes. I do have more wins than loss's in my record too. roughly half the time I'm given praise for my odd build order and the other half i get flak. It all boils down how well your doing. I have even had games where i start out something like 0 and 8 and then late game win with 16-8. Most of the time with poor starts like that I am cursed at like there's no tommorow, but when the game ends and I happen to make a huge comeback I'll get comments like "Hey I beleived you could do it mf, GJ!" There's a difference between getting * off at your team and tower diving at level 1 10 times before rage quitting and having an enemy kill you multiple times while he get's away with under 10 health. Beleive me, it's happened more often than you'd might think. No one cares how low the enemy player is when you died. All they see is that your dead and it's * feeding*! This community amazes me because even if I die once. everyone spazes out calling it feeder when it's not! The funny thing is that I can't recall a single report when I used to do my old 3 blood thirster build. In fact I remember most players saying that the build is great on MF. Prehaps those players were in a lower ELO :p I know the higher ELO you go, the more * people behave, and while I do try to win my games, I'm not the kind of guy who would hurl puppies and kittens against the wall for a loss. I enjoy the game, but I don't take it super seriously like most of the people I encounter online.

I try to get the most out of my build for sure. my purples reds and yellows consist of all crit damage runes while my blues are level up magic resist. I always do buy a defensive item too. Madreds blood razors comes with 25 armor. When I max out my build I do around 1,200 dmg each basic attack while shooting at 2.50 attack speed.
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When I max out my build I do around 1,200 dmg each basic attack while shooting at 2.50 attack speed.

And then Annie flashbearstuns you because you don't have a Banshee's, you die before the 1.75 second stun wears off because you have no mercs, your team loses the teamfight because the person who took 400 minion kills died without dealing a single point of damage and no one else could afford enough items to win the 4v5, and then all 4 report you.

The games you dont get reported are the games where the other team wastes their stuns on Udyr and Rammus for some stupid reason and you're allowed to rightclick people. Or the games where one of your teammates picks a second carry and is able to farm while you're dead.

People are less likely to report if they won and/or you aren't trolling, and the Tribunal cares more about the trolling than the win/loss.
And then Annie flashbearstuns you because you don't have a Banshee's, you die before the 1.75 second stun wears off because you have no mercs, your team loses the teamfight because the person who took 400 minion kills died without dealing a single point of damage and no one else could afford enough items to win the 4v5, and then all 4 report you.

The games you dont get reported are the games where the other team wastes their stuns on Udyr and Rammus for some stupid reason and you're allowed to rightclick people. Or the games where one of your teammates picks a second carry and is able to farm while you're dead.

People are less likely to report if they won and/or you aren't trolling, and the Tribunal cares more about the trolling than the win/loss.

and no one said annie isn't balanced yet : ) those kind of deaths rarely happen. most of the time when I'm focused hard, the enemy team has to really push behind my team to get me where it buys them valuable time to still mop them all up even when i die first. I dont' play as ballsy and up front as i used to.
I have noticed that you have been positioning yourself better for the glass cannon build. But in the meantime while you are banned, maybe I should take advantage and play MF!

(They surrendered too early :( )