Mote of Flame


New Member
EDIT: For those who know me on facebook, please do not 'like' this or say anything to me on facebook. Some family members do not yet know!

Hello to anyone who still reads this forum! Just wanted to pop in and ask for your prayers in regards to some news my wife and I got a few weeks ago - we're having our first baby! The reason I am asking pretty much everyone I know for prayer is that we had a miscarriage last year, and we're really excited that this baby is looking very healthy. We had our first ultrasound today - doctor says he/she has a strong heartbeat, and is developing very well so far. Please pray that things will continue to go according to plan, and that this will be as easy on my wife as possible!

The doctor also said that since my wife does not have any magical tendencies, the child will most likely be a fire mage like it's father. She did mention seeing some arcane buildup in the amniotic fluid, but said that mages of any spec develop as arcane during the first trimester, and then specs start to develop differently after that. We won't know the spec for sure until about the end of January, but fingers are crossed for fire - although I'll still love it if it turns out to be frost.

All joking aside though - please keep us in your prayers! :)
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Congratulations, sir! I'll be praying. :)