Mordos’ Letter of Resignation

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New Member
How to start? I should start by saying thank you to all those that supported me in Leading… I couldn’t have done it without you. Now I know most of you are wondering why? It had become clear to me that I was causing my brothers in Christ to have trouble being around other brothers of Christ. This began to eat at me and the Holy Spirit really convicted me. There are several people that have stated that they are intimidated by me, this use to make me laugh, I’m not a mean person and most people that KNOW me would agree. But now it made me look at how I was really treating people or communicating to people. While in a normal raiding environment this type of talk is no big deal. When I did it we had success, but it still was hurting people. As a Christian I can’t have that. So if you are a member and at some point I’ve offended you during raiding, I am sorry and it was not meant to offend but to push you to better yourself and succeed.
I’ve been leading raids for close to ten years and the way I lead (while toned all the way down that I can) is the only way I know that is effective to achieve success on a large scale and at the speed we do. I cannot do it any other way. I love to lead, it is a gift that I truly believe that God has given me, but right now when it comes to raid leading I can’t figure out how to lead and please my brothers in Christ. If I’m causing just one to struggle r even question my actions as a Christian I can no longer precede down that path.
As of right now it’s hard to know what I’m going to do. I know that I do love to raid, but it would be really hard to raid and not lead now. Last night I was going through extreme emotional waves and I’m not sure what would happen when I raid. Right now sense I have all this time now I get to read more Christian book and get even deeper into the word, which is exciting. I’ve wanted to finish my study on the Trinity and the Doctrine of Justification.
Well I want to say thanks for all you did for Redeemeed. You truly took us to new heights. I also must say that I am totally bummed at this decision. To be honest, raiding under your leadership was one of the main draws to me coming back to the game again. I understand how end game works in MMOs and you are so correct. I do not believe you can lead successful "progression" raids without the style and techniques that you employ. Honestly with you "toned-down" I didn't think Red would get far because that is just how it works. It takes a certain personality to lead Progression raids and most do not cut it. If people think that you can be humble/love-showering/patient/overly-forgiving leader and make it through a MMO progression raid they are sorely mistaken. I have sat under all kinds of leaderships in my many MMOS and only the leaders like Mordos ever give guilds success.

We are once again up against the nature of a Christian guild and the hardcore part of a video-game (raids) The two do not work unless the brothers and sisters are willing to be completely submissive to the leadership and learn to have thick-skin and take correction/chastisement/and even berating if it is deemed necessary by the leaders. Progression Raiding requires people to be molded into something that they might not be and that will be painful for them. If they are not willing to deal with pain, then in my opinion they are not fit to be on a successful raiding team as they are putting pride and self-centeredness over the collective team.

I have not been on recent raids so I do not know the specific issues here but I wanted to chime in since this sounds like experiences in every other guild I have been in. Except in the other guilds, the complainers are shown the door and the Leader continues to rule with the hard fist. I guess in Christian guilds there is a different line/bar to be raised and most likely it is not compatible with the kind of raiding success most players want.

Sorry Mordos and thanks for all you gave up for us.

PS. I would love to hear how your study on Justification goes, I love a good theology debate...err I mean study.
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I thought you were intimidating, Mordos.... but I'm a big boy and I can handle it. It is not my opinion that your leading methodology hurt me spiritually, and I am probably a better Wow player/better tank for your leading and advice. I respect the way that you've handled this, and I hope you'll remain an active part of our guild as we forge onward.
Although I am sad to see you step down. I support you in whatever your decission may be.. I like many other people Know that we are where we are in raiding because of you. I have said many times that you are a great raid leader. every night that we raid you make them happen. Not to sell our people short but we may not be the best "raiders" that are our there but when we raided under you you made things happen things that to many of us thought we couldn't accomplish.

With that being said if you ever feel that itch for raid leading again there is always a place for you in the ranks.

As hard as it is to see ya step down and for all those who may be wondering why in the interum.. whether Mordos decides that he wants to raid.. We have made Samboe the "Temporary" head raid leader.. not To replace Mordos (which I never think we could) but to make it possible for him to utilize the tools and functions in game to keep raid activities functioning
I really think mordos is and always will be one of the best raid leaders we have had, I have been there since day one, and I agree that mordos has toned down but even before he was never too ruff:) we got done what we set out to do and that is all thanks to mordos.. I have never felt belittled by him and will miss him, I hope what ever is going on will fix it self and mordos comes back to raid with us. He will be truly missed.

And i totally agree with mirakle- you have to have that mind set to raid with out it we are nuttin.. I believe we are all brothers and sisters and at times we may get on each others nerves but that is a part of being a family:)
How to start? I should start by saying thank you to all those that supported me in Leading… I couldn’t have done it without you. Now I know most of you are wondering why? It had become clear to me that I was causing my brothers in Christ to have trouble being around other brothers of Christ. This began to eat at me and the Holy Spirit really convicted me. There are several people that have stated that they are intimidated by me, this use to make me laugh, I’m not a mean person and most people that KNOW me would agree. But now it made me look at how I was really treating people or communicating to people. While in a normal raiding environment this type of talk is no big deal. When I did it we had success, but it still was hurting people. As a Christian I can’t have that. So if you are a member and at some point I’ve offended you during raiding, I am sorry and it was not meant to offend but to push you to better yourself and succeed.
I’ve been leading raids for close to ten years and the way I lead (while toned all the way down that I can) is the only way I know that is effective to achieve success on a large scale and at the speed we do. I cannot do it any other way. I love to lead, it is a gift that I truly believe that God has given me, but right now when it comes to raid leading I can’t figure out how to lead and please my brothers in Christ. If I’m causing just one to struggle r even question my actions as a Christian I can no longer precede down that path.
As of right now it’s hard to know what I’m going to do. I know that I do love to raid, but it would be really hard to raid and not lead now. Last night I was going through extreme emotional waves and I’m not sure what would happen when I raid. Right now sense I have all this time now I get to read more Christian book and get even deeper into the word, which is exciting. I’ve wanted to finish my study on the Trinity and the Doctrine of Justification.

Mordos, Hey bud, I'm going to up front and honest with you. I've been down that path already. I don't say much now in raid, but my personality is alot like you just described. I want you to know that while you may not know me well, I have some experiences that have got me balanced. We're facebook friends (Derek Ciapala), so find me if you want to talk..or maybe more importantly...hear my story. It may encourage you along the way. I also want you to know that you are not the only one who has gotten snippy with people in raid leading and you do not stand alone with your conviction. All of us at one point or another have gotten snippy in raids and need to look at why we are even playing the game as a Christian guild if we can not act like one. James notes that we are to live our faith by taking action...and that includes this game. So all of us need to take this opportunity to check our egos at the door. You are not alone. Thank you for your courage in coming forward and following the Lord's convictions here and taking action. If you do stop raiding for awhile...don't stay away for long. We are meant to face our enemy and not run from them. I was recently placed in a similar position as yours and I did the hardest thing possible....faced everyone in the person and told them what I was dealing with...and I still remained with that group...but as a result of remaining with that group, other people have come forward and shared their issues and their hangups and we've truly begun to have iron sharpening iron.

Thank you for doing what you do for the raids. Thank you for following your convictions. Thank you for taking a step back now so that God can take you forward for your future. Remember Deut 31:8...remember Jeremiah 29:11-12, remember Psalm 139.

Keep standing tall great warrior of God... We're behind you.

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That's a bummer, we just got up to 80 and didn't get to raid with ya much:) I was hoping this post would have more details because you sounded pretty upset last night and left guild on your alts:( I know we have butted heads in the past but when I talked to you I realized 90% of my opinion was a misconception and I was taking it way too personal. If anyone has/had a problem with Mordos' way to lead raids I ask you to do a couple things; 1 talk to him as a person, call him on the phone or at least send him a whisper/PM and express your concerns on a neutral level(away from the raid), and 2 try leading raids. I thought it was easy and I tried to help lead a kara raid back in BC and even on farm its a lot of pressure. I couldn't imagine leading a progression raid. Some people got it, some don't. Unfortunately as Ewoks talked about, the only real way to progress is to have a good leader pushing you to be your best. You need someone willing to say Hey you arent doing your job tonight and we need to bring in another to take your spot so the guild as a whole can progress. Yeah it sucks to be that guy but don't take it as a personal attack and get mad/sad/angry, take it as motivation! I bet if you talk to Mordos after the raid he would even help you get better, or talk to your class leaders, thats what they are there for.

Mordos is a big reason I was a good tank in BC, when I was levelling up he asked me what spec I was going and I said prot and he said good luck, thats a hard thing to be good at. And that lit a fire and made me want to prove that I could be a good pally tank and I spent more and more time researching everything I could about what items I needed to farm and how to become a better tank. (And I pestered Sandric, Tebran, Mirakle for any information I could get since they are the Original Pally Tanks!)

So basically I'm saying I hope Mordos comes back and I hope people will give him a chance and talk to him if they have a problem, don't let it escalate like I did and like it seems happened again. He really does want the best for everyone and wants to see the guild succeed.

Chris, If you decide not to come back and lead some raids then no hard feelings and I wish you the best in whatever you choose to do:)
Hey Mordos, I see you're viewing this thread right now :) Anyways, it's been great raiding under you and I hope you don't stay away for long! Sometimes leaders have to take unpopular positions in order to lead well, and that can be tough. I look forward to seeing you back when you feel you're able!
Mordos, I just have to say THANK YOU for all of your hard work and effort. The time you put in, leadership skills; including knowledge of both your raiders and this silly game, are vast and much appreciated.

I am not the brightest bulb in the house. Thanks for helping me shine a bit brighter a few nights a week. Those would NOT be the nights that I was wiping out the raid:)

Learning that safety dance was the most fun I have had in a game in a long time. I will always be ready with a /tell mordos wl add. I support your decisions raid based or not. Take care, friend.
Mordos. You rock as a raid leader. I hope you don't stay away for long. I took a break from WoW last summer and it was a great time of refreshing. Peace be with your brother.
Ill probably talk to you more bout this later but Thank you. I have told you that tons of times but really thank you. Honestly at first i couldnt stand raiding with you were kinda harsh. But shortly after that i relized that it was needed. If you hadn't of been so hard on me back in those days i would never of been what i am now. Not only have you pushed me to be a better player but also a better person! Your love for the Lord has really challenged me at points and im so grateful for everything you have done for me and the guild.
Im with you on whatever decision you decide on and hope the best for you and your family
Mordos, intimidation is part of being a raid leader. It's part of the personality that is needed to succeed in raids in online gaming.

Intimidation isn't always a bad thing. I was a raid leader in two leading guilds in Everquest for 5 years and don't envy anyone that is working as a raid leader in WoW.

I never thought of you as intimidating though. To the point, yes, a little abrupt, yes. Both are traits that are needed in a raid leader when you are in charge of up to 25 people. Those are 2 of the things that keep the raid going on track and keep repair bills down from senseless wipes.

I understand your reason for stepping down but don't agree with it. You can never make everyone happy no matter who you are. I think you did an excellent job and I wish you luck in whatever you do whether it be your Bible studies, online gaming, or life in general.
Mordos- First off, I really admire you. You've put in so much time for all of us to enjoy a part of the game that we might not have been able to enjoy otherwise. My prayers are with you during this time of transition and I hope it's just a time to get closer to God and bring Him back when you come back and lead again. You might decide not to, that will be ok (I will miss you) but I hope that some day after a break you can come back. Sometimes I don't think many people know all the work you (and the guild leaders and officers) do to make things run as smoothly as they do. Obviously, not always smoothly, but better than without someone who does such a good job as you do.

I will admit, I had a time when I was intimidated by you and a bit sore, but after time I studied the situation and realized that I indeed am a mouse and could not do what you do. It takes every type of personality to make the world go around. It was my own problem that I have confrontational issues (over sensitized by being sick/sorry) and don't always know how to talk to someone who I feel is intimidating. I got over it and came to realize what a great raid leader you really are.

It is important that we all evaluate ourselves with God as our pilot in the evaluation. Many times we get into ruts and need to 4 wheel ourselves out of the ruts with God at the steering wheel. To be healthy, we should all have our 10k mile check ups and take time to be with God for a while and pray for honest evaluations. When we find our emotions jumping and our feelings on overload, it's time to balance ourselves out with God again.

My prayer for you is that you take some time to enjoy God's serenity, peace, love and His sense of humor, pray with your lovely family and have some 'wonder' time- wonder at the spring flowers, the trees blooming, the beautiful family etc. etc. etc. Come in and say hi to us, goof off in wow for small amounts of time, but stay with us, even if it feels a bit awkward, feelings flux, flow and change as they are supposed to.

God bless Mordos and family. May you be kept safe in loving arms and warm thoughts.
Mordos -- I could generate a whole wall of text just seconding things that people have said above. You gave me opportunities, both through your leadership and your generosity with invites, to do raiding things I'd probably not have otherwise done and certainly didn't deserve -- thank you for that. You always impressed me with your conscious desire and efforts to balance progression with grace; to balance common sense with fairness. You astonished me with your active, even aggressive, efforts to reach out to people who disagreed (or worse) with you ... as testimonials above give witness to. No one could get it right 100% but you put a lot more effort into it than you had to. I was scared to let you down in raids ... but really I was scared to let the 9 or 24 others in the raid down and you were just -- intentionally, I think -- the focus point of that. That was you being generous, too. Anyhow, not often enough, I worried about whether raiding was fun for you. I hope it was -- and I hope that not raid leading is fun and rewarding for you too.

/target Mordos
Thank you everyone for the very kind words... and the Raid Leading of Mordos is not over, I was talking with a few people and I am going to start an out reach to the gen pop on the server... This is not a Redeemed thing because there is some issues that would be cause if that was.

I will be starting a group that will raid but leave spots open to invite pugs, and then during the raids reach out to them. I will be leading them, I will be giving a disclaimer at the start of all raids on how I run things and why so that all will be clear.

If we can bring one of God's sheep into the fold this way that is good enough for me.

If you are interested please send me a PM. or an email
I think that is a great idea. I have often hoped that we would invite pugs in redeemed if we were short a slot or two on raids instead of just calling the raid. I think it would be a great outreach.

I would gladly go on raids that have the intention of inviting a few pugs as an outreach.
I don't quite know what to say, I heard about twenty minutes ago as I have been pretty busy and have been absent from WoW more this week. I really admire you Mordos. Your job is a tough job and for a lonnnng time I have not thought you were "mean". I probably did when I was a new lvl 70 raiding member (I can't really remember what I used to think), but once I understood how the end-game stuff worked, I understood more of what your role requires. You do a great job and I am very sad that you are stepping down. I respect you way more for the reasons you have just stated though. It's hard to me to understand why people might see you as mean or abrasive- or whatever word you or others might describe- and I am probably THEEE most sensitive person I know. I don't fully understand what is happening so I won't say much except for encouraging words.
Thanks Mordos, I respect and appreciate how you lead raids. I will miss your leading and I really hope that you will come back if you feel God is leading you back to it. Go do what you need to do with the Lord. :)
Wow, its been over a year since I last played... and when I think of Redeemed's raiding I still think of Mordos and Ugsneak!

I don't even play anymore, but I would still like to thank you for what you've done for Redeemed, Mordos.

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