Modnation Racers: Who's getting it?

I have never pre-ordered a game before this month...usually waiting until after a game comes out, has more input, and has a sale.

That said, I'm anxiously awaiting the arrival of 3D Dot Game Heroes and Modnation. I was SO hyped when Mario Kart was coming out...only to be very disappointed by the online play. This looks beautiful and fun...and with the addition of Play Create Share this should be incredible. Demo on the PSP was fun.

I pre-ordered @ Amazon (paid $57 but had a $10 good as $47...looks like it's 60 again now)...also comes with Ratchet & Clank karts
Man Furismo Jive?

More like "Man Furismo Jorever".

Awesome video, though..hadn't seen much outside the mountain/green tracks, so it's nice to see something in the city.

And lol:

The whole Playstation Network's scared of your squish-block things!
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Pre-ordered it today. Tried the demo also, not a huge fan of the sensitive controls, but the tools are cool as is the drifting.

Also got Split / Second, loving it to bits. :D
Seriously considering getting it, but I am so concentrated on Super Street Fighter IV and trophy-hunting on 3D Dot Game Heroes.....
Me and Gator have been wanting some SSF4 for awhile now, waiting for a bit of a price drop on Amazon though. It's down to $30 so far but I'm itching to break this fight stick in more. @_@
Also trophy hunting on 3D DGH...very much looking forward to From & Spelunker modes. :)

Just saw this morning the demo was out, definitely trying it. I tried it on the PSP, and I can also report that I did not like the sensitive controls. That said, I expect that I will after getting used to them...since sensitive = very maneuverable. It's just hard at first when you haven't played a game for long.

FYI on modnation, aside from Amazon/BB/ETC pre-order bonuses, I believe most (all?) first-run games will also include a sackboy unlock. Also, if you like that sort of thing and have (or don't mind signing up for) a gamespot account, you can get a free code for the Air Raid DLC here:

Edit: Here's a link to the sackboy kart/costume. Also, each pre-order will come with one of four "mystery mods".

I personally like the cheesewagon and cow the best.
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Just as an FYI Keero...if you're looking to scratch that SF itch until prices drop...SSF II Turbo HD Remix (or whatever it's called) is 50% off this week @ $7.49.
I have it on the 360, but the D-pad killed it for me. >=| Been practicing on the Steam version of SF4 though. Balrog ftw.
Gonna go pick this up right now. ^__^

I am SO making TF2 characters.
It's at my house now, but I am not. Will be playing some this weekend, hopefully. Maybe we can design a Christian in the shape of a cross or something. Or a Jesus fish. Yeah, that's it...I'm definitely doing the fish.

And if you venture off the track? FIIIIIRE!!!! Mwahahahahahahahah. Ok, not really.
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The fish seems easy, add some jumps or water at the end points like an invisible curve. xD

Online lobby is a tad laggy (streaming a lot of info), but it's not unbearable. Such a great purchase. :)
Played a bit of the campaign yesterday, very fun. Announcers make me laugh, kind of remind me of the ones in the Ratchet & Clank series, as far as how the humor goes. Really like the control on the game, and it's a decent challenge so far. All in all I'm pretty happy with it.
There's so many crazy pop culture Mods and carts for download. Ghostbusters, Gordon Freeman, DBZ, Power Rangers, Mario... Haven't seen any awesome tracks yet though.
Yesterday I saw a pretty good Spawn...flowing cape and all. I'm thinking I'd like to try to make a Strong Bad. I've played a few fun tracks, some not as fun. Great thing is that once people start favoriting good tracks, we'll be seeing more of the good ones. :)