Misconceptions about Atheism


You are part of Calvary Chapel. Calvary Chapel was formed by Chuck Smith. Sorry, if it weren't for Chuck Smith, there would be NO Calvary Chapel.

Calvary Chapel has a statement of beliefs, RIGHT ON ITS WEBSITE.

Calvary Chapel Philadelphia has EVERYTHING to do with Chuck Smith and Calvary Chapel.

Just look at the website for CCPhilly. Look under ABOUT CAVALRY. What is the FIRST sentence?

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Calvary Chapel began in the late 1960's as a small non-denominational church of 25 members pastored by Chuck Smith.

Now how can you say it has nothing to do with Chuck Smith? The statement of beliefs of CCPHILLY QUOTES Chuck Smith. CCPHILLY and Joe Focht follow the teachings that Chuck Smith established.

The doctrines and beliefs of Calvary Chapel are listed RIGHT THERE.

Byblos, you are either clueless (which I don't believe) or you are in some serious denial.

The majority of all protestant denominations follow one and only one book. The Bible. Methodists, Baptists, Pentecostals, Calvary Chapel, et al, all fall under that heading.

If you don't think YOUR church has anything to do with Calvary Chapel, you need to take a look at what is on ccphilly's site:

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]On the other hand, there have been people who have started churches and called them Calvary Chapel that hold views and practices very different from what has been described here. In our opinion, it would be better if they would take a different name for their churches that more accurately reflects what they believe and practice so as not to confuse people who are looking for a ministry that is in line with what we have described on the previous pages.

Is that what you're claiming? If not, then the church you attend IS part of Calvary Chapel, which owes itself to Chuck Smith.
If it werent fr chuck smith we would be in a different building that is all....

Joe Focht has been a teacher longer then Chuck SMith and follows the Bible and how it has worked in his life.

It fdoesnt owe itself to chuck smith... our views are simple.. Childlike Faith.. we arent legalist or denomination blah blah like you. Go right on ahead and call us whatever you want.. We dont care and God doesnt.
So basically you're saying that the Calvary Chapel's interperetation of the Bible and of the Christian faith is the only true interperetation? How do you know?
Why are you trying so hard to make this not true?

Joe Focht is a pastor for CALVARY CHAPEL. Calvary Chapel was founded by Chuck Smith.

Why don't you ask Pastor Joe? He will back up everything that I said.


On the other hand, there have been people who have started churches and called them Calvary Chapel that hold views and practices very different from what has been described here. In our opinion, it would be better if they would take a different name for their churches that more accurately reflects what they believe and practice so as not to confuse people who are looking for a ministry that is in line with what we have described on the previous pages.

You attend Calvary Chapel...you are part of Calvary Chapel. Calvary Chapel isn't the name of a building, it's the name of a spiritual church which was founded by Chuck Smith and is pastored by Joe Focht. Joe Focht is a pastor for Calvary Chapel. What is so hard to understand?

If you see a building that has FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH on it, wouldn't you think that BAPTISTS attended there?
[b said:
Quote[/b] (ByblosHex @ Oct. 24 2004,12:59)]Im saying the spirit's interpretation is the only true interpretation....
That is true Byblos, but everyone thinks they know what the spirit is saying, and yet they all claim that it is saying different, sometimes drastically different, things. So my question is this: how do you know that your interperetation of what the spirit is saying to you is the one true interperetation?
Byblos, again I ask you to look at ccphilly's webpage.

It says, "Calvary Chapel of Philadelphia began in 1981 when Pastor Joe Focht started a small bible study in a catering hall."

That means Pastor Joe started the Philadelphia branch of...CALVARY CHAPEL. Which in turn leads to this quote...

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Calvary Chapel began in the late 1960's as a small non-denominational church of 25 members pastored by Chuck Smith.

The Church you belong to, Calvary Chapel, owes its very existence to Chuck Smith.
Let's just end this here and now, since we've driven this topic WAY off course.

You're too stubborn to listen to anything anyone has to say on these boards, even when you're wrong.

DV - if it is ok, I would like to dig into this a bit.

Guys, why do posts on whatever topic come down to this more times than not?
It's not done on purpose, I know I'm guilty of doing it quite a lot.

It's just the way the conversation goes. And before you know it, you're thinking, what the heck does this have to do with the topic???
many times it comes down to one side or another or person(s) not willing to admit or consent a point, so the other(s) try to show the person their error, or have them atleast be willing to accept something other than the blind ignorances that is claimed at times.

That is why topics get so far off IMO
Speaking of trying to show persons their errors, when are you going to change your sig to give Einstein credit for that quote?
These fragrant off topic conversations are the indirect result of stubbornness on one or both sides of the arguement or discussion. If a person refuses to accept something that another person or persons feel is true, and that something is a fragment of the previous topic, the fragment in question becomes the new topic. And then when another roadblock in the reason is found, the topic changes again. If people were less stubborn and more logical, this would happen much less.
when you show me he said it

i know Tony Robins said it, was one of the many quotes i used over the summer from one of his books my boss gave me quotes from ^_^ (lol he could of quoted einstien and not told me though
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

Albert Einstein quotes (German born American physicist who developed the special and general theories of relativity. Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921. 1879-1955)


There you go