Matthew 10 (A public Apology)


Active Member

Jesus Sends Out the Twelve
This is a call to those who consider themselves disciples of Christ. Some may disagree with me about this, but I do not think this was only for the 12, its for all of us, this passage alone tell us how to go out, what were supposed to do, and the dangers we will face

I do have to apologize to LOJ So LOJ I resind My statement in the other thread, and apologize for misspeaking and sowing Dissention toward your Research. (Which In my heart was what I was doing)

After carefully researching my past studies, notes and threads, I can not say with any certainty That I heard an argument in favor of the 12 disicples (In the greek) referring to all of us in Matthew 10. (I am sure there was one, but I may have combined years of studies, sermons, notes and visions)

An old thread, pointed me back to my ever increasing notes.

Jesus called us to be like him, to seek the comforter, to Pray a specific way, and to think a certain way. (I will let our readers find all the pertaining scripture)

We are to be a beckon of Light to this world, I feel adamant the Bible backs this up. ( I would I am a bible believing Pentecostal. I believe in all the gifts of the Spirit.) I have been heal twice by Prayer and by GOD. This is reality to me. Every day I move my arm without extreme pain, I am reminded I was healed thru prayer, and the faces of everyone who did that I remember. Every day I wake up with out craving cigarettes or running for a bottle of Jack, I am reminded, GOD saved me and called me to teach. (I do not suffer from withdrawl at all, I never have since april 2003, a week before I came Completely to the Lord, (Spirit, Soul, flesh))

We are to do all the things the Lord Jesus Christ did.(Except the Son of God thing) But honor god by stiving to be christ like, =Christains. We are to do this by 1st the greatest commandment, and then the great commission.

So While it maybe true that Mathew 10 was directed at the disciples, it was a blue print to our(you and my) walk with the Big man himself, The Lord Jesus Christ.

In Christ

The Thread in Reference
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