Mark 3:1-6


One of my favorite sections of scripture lately. Just as God can heal the withered hand, so can He heal the withered soul! He can bring life to where there has been none.

The question I am asking myself this morning is, "Where do I stand in my relationship to God?" In the past month, has He been a stranger, an aquaintance, co-worker, close friend or brother? Personally...I hate to admit he has been more of an aquaintance than anything. But I am reminded by Mark 3:1-6 that regardless of my current spiritual condition, God can heal the withered hand.

Awesome! John 11 always reminds me of the intimacy Jesus has with his friends. He loves you!
This passage is beautiful and touching - Christ shows mercy to this man not because he is asking for it or deserving of it - but because He has compassion on him. The day will come when we all stand in judgment and many will realize only then how deep God's love and mercy really is.
It is definitely difficult Grasp the full measure of God's mercy. It is all too easy to contextualize things with "my eyes".