Main Tanks listing


Active Member
I would like a list of our main dedicated Tanks. Our meat Shields, Our Bloody Boys/Girls. I need a list of most current, most participating. I need this to see who our Main tank and Off tanks are. Whether they be, Druids, Pallys, Warriors. I would like to know who our Mains are and who our offs Tanks are. Not well I have a 70 warrior I pop in every other month. Sit down,

I want to know who the Arm chewers and Sword sleepers are, or those who wear the bear form to bed in the middle of jungle, because it just feels right. Those like in Bible; who lapped the water up like dogs, the heart breakers and life takers…………

I have some questions coming………
Warriors - Sazul, Goodwone
Pally - Sandric, Wheretoo
Druid - Illyria

The above would be the most current, most participating.

Some honorable mentions are Mordos, Arthax, Romulas, Mindonrage.