Magmaw Tactic


New Member
Read it, learn it, love it

it is. the only real reason we didn't get it down when we attempted it was

1) spriests fail at AoE dps. we had 2

2) one of our healers was rocking full pvp gear...he was oom before we even hit p2

All the hate must deviate!
Hey, im just glad he didn't mention the fail boomkin we had that didn't know how to target or her rotation! RAWR! Hey that was the first time ever raiding boomkin since kara, hahaha!

But then you go OOM in 2 seconds. Especially on adds that won't last long.

Just deal with mind sear's extremely low dps for now, it looks like Blizz might buff it up in a future patch. Thankfully there's not too many fights where you have to use it.

Or use mind spike/mind blast/shadow word:death.
*Mind Sear can now be channeled on friendly targets in addition to enemy targets. In addition, Mind Sear's damage has been increased by roughly 15%.
*Mind Blast damage has been significantly increased. It should be roughly 50% greater than Mind Spike.
* Glyph of Mind Flay no longer requires Shadow Word: Pain to be on the target.
* Shadow Orbs benefit from mastery has been increased by approximately 16%.
* Vampiric Embrace now lasts until canceled.