Living in Christ Staff


Tribe of Judah Staff Manager
A couple of people willing to organize, plan and oversee a bible study, prayer service or teaching once every couple of weeks. The staff of this department would be in charge of seeing that such events take place twice a month. The more people that sign up for this, the less work each person has to do. For example, if two people sign up, then each person would have to plan an event once a month, if 3 people sign up, each person would plan an event once every 6 weeks.
I do believe that we have found someone to help lead this group of people....Tebran will be heading this up and is looking for two recruits interested in helping to share the ministry in-game for our guild. They will need to have semi-flexible schedules so as to setup a scheduled time for the teachings, prayer time, witnesssing, and whatnot. Please post here if you're interested in any way by this!! Thanks!
BIG thanks goes out to Rranyl for volunteering to help with this aspect of our guild. I feel this is one of, if not, the most important things to be focused on at this time for us all. I am looking for one more volunteer to step up and help out here as this is a big responsibility to the guild.
I would be interested as well, I just started preaching as an evangelist this year so I'm all for it.
What sorts of material will you use, or will you be developing your own? This is for edification and not for evangelism, right? How long would the sessions be? Just looking to get an idea. Sounds great though!
Materials?? I plan on handing the ministry aspect completely over to the members who volunteer. No curriculum they have to follow per say, all teachings will have to be sent to me in the form of notes before actual teaching though so they can be ok'd. This will be for edification mostly, but I would like to see some outreaches done to our WoW community in-game to help teach about Christ. Teachings should go no longer than 30-45 mins a piece.
I personally was thinking last week about doing some Bible Study from a particular verse or book or allowing the members to choose something there interested in studying. Maybe on Thursday mornings or something.