June 2nd, 2005


New Member
Paul wrote, "I always thank my God as I remember you in my prayers."

-Philemon 4 (NIV)

AS I stood beside her, I felt a sinking in the pit of my stomach. My friend was moving halfway across the country. Even if we kept in touch, our friendship would never be the same again. There would be no more morning walks followed by a cup of coffee before we rushed home to our families. There would be no more times to sit together and share a biblical nugget we had discovered or a prayer for the spiritual well-being and safety of our children and other members of our family.

A tear slipped down my cheek, and I noticed she had tears in her eyes as well. It wouldn't be easy for my friend to move to a place with no family or close friends nearby. Suddenly she hugged me and said, "Elaine, every time you make your bed, pray for me."

Years have gone by, and my friend has moved several times since then. I haven't heard from her now for some time. But every day when I make my bed, I pray for her. I know God knows where she is, and I know God hears my prayers -- and that is most important.

In all our lives there are friends or family members who need our prayers. We can make praying for them a part of each day by using the small chores of our daily lives as reminders to pray.

Elaine Ingalls Hogg (Nova Scotia, Canada)
Dear God, you know the person who needs a special touch from you. Come alongside them today and let them know others are praying for them. Amen.