Jewel Crafting question


New Member
If any of you have had enchanting, you all know that you can level up enchanting to lvl 50 by just DE'ing items. Is this the same thing with prospecting where I should prospect ore up to a certain level to maximize my profession gains? Or is this nothing like DE'ing?
Adam posted a link to a guide awhile back. i'll try to find the post and re-link the PDF here. it showed how you can get to 300 by only crafting things you'll need.

I'm not sure if you can prospect to 50 or not, but I'm not sure that you'll need to. Cheap gems is all you'll get... and you can stockpile those ahead of time.
w00t, hit 307 last night finally. I am just a few away from learning some new stuff for sockets. I have a pile of shadow gems, heavy stone, citrine, lesser moon stone, aquamarines available plus some copper, iron, and silver. If anyone else on the beta needs these let me know or I'll sell them off for a bzillion gold.