James 1:19b-20


“But everyone must be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to anger; for the anger of man does not achieve the righteousness of God.”

In the online Bible study last night we discussed being “successful” in the eyes of God. At the end of our lives we all want to hear the words, “Well done, good and faithful servant” and that will only result from a life characterized by service, humility and obedience. That being said, it was verse 20 verse that caught my eye this morning as I was struggling with one of my sons this morning as we were gearing up for school.

In a flash, my short fuse kicked in, I was simply tired of the whining. So later on when I was driving to work I tried to reflect on that verse and how God deals with us on a day to day basis. I would venture to say that in many ways we are like small children before God yet He doesn’t sacrifice His righteousness simply to vent an emotion. His patience and long suffering are a testimony to His glory. So this morning I am thankful to have the grace and mercy of God for childish actions, His word as a light to better guide me, and the practical model that can be found in perfect form in God’s character.