Identifying Mains and Alts


We've separated all non-officers into mains and alts (main and alternate characters) to make it easier to keep track of the number of members. Of course, the main challenge here is trying to figure out what's a main and what's an alt in the first place!

I assigned most of the members on Gilga's roster (as of today) as mains, but a weird bug kept me from promoting about 10% of those members, and it looks like it's both out of date and includes some alts. It's a good start anyway.

To help out the officers, please check your characters when you log on and let an officer know if one is mislabeled. Each member gets only one "main" character. A year from now, which character you label as your main might become a bit more critical (if we're working for balanced guild warbands) but for now, just pick the avatar you play the most or the one you like the most -- whatever you prefer really.

If no officers are online, please feel free to post here or just wait until somebody logs on.

2 things:

1) people in the "Mains" group can see /o, even though the control tab doesn't show it. It might just need to be toggled on then off again. I don't know if it affects Alts rank or not.

2) Are my alts supposed to be listed at my main's rank, or as Alts? (aside from the bug in #1 above, I can't see /o on my alts)
2 things:

1) people in the "Mains" group can see /o, even though the control tab doesn't show it. It might just need to be toggled on then off again. I don't know if it affects Alts rank or not.

2) Are my alts supposed to be listed at my main's rank, or as Alts? (aside from the bug in #1 above, I can't see /o on my alts)

1) fixt

2) You have officer status so your main and alts are listed under your officer rank for now.
I am an independent Icthus.

Besides, I have no power which the guild members do not assign to me. I serve at their leisure.
Then you will be demoted to troublemaker until such time you pick a main. ;)

Oh bother...I didn't think anyone in War, that didn't play WOW with me, knew me that well yet...

<hides the snowballs that she was going to throw and SamIam>
I am an independent Icthus.

Besides, I have no power which the guild members do not assign to me. I serve at their leisure.

Is this the new form of mind control you were talking about using Icthus?
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Well now that I am on the right server, and played every toon there is.

Which only the BO really geared me. I have settled on PapaLOVE.(swordmaster) UNTIL such a time as the Human Tank is released. (then it will be Papatank, if Its as geared and the mechanics class rumors are semi true. )

Any way PapaLOVE is a young n00b as I was leveling a witch hunter (Papagrimm) but parked him until such a time when My Son returns from Iraq. (we started them together, it just wouldn't be right )

So that will be my main, papaLOVE untill The HUMANESSE Tank is released unto the world
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My main is Jullion..although I really like my WH julic..anyway..all my toons are labeled alternates currently on the guild roster in game.