I think I nearly had a heart attack


New Member
The guy who wons the house next foor started renting his place to some welfair drug dealers.
So today I was home alone, and watching a dvd. I was sitting near the patio door, and I noticed a person walk by in the corner of my eye. And I freaked, so I look at the patio deck and there was this grungy lady taking my dads lighter and walking away. My heart was literally racing.
So I knocked on the window and screamed hey, and the lady turned and asked if she could take the lighter, and I'm thinking she came through our backyard and on to our deck without permission, and now she's asking. So I scream no, then she asks if she could take the matches and I said no again. Then she walks away.
I couldn't even stand up, I haven't really got my energy back since my surgery and I was so freaked, my heat was pounding.
We always hear weird sounds outside, wind, animals etc. but now I have tocheck because it could be a person.
Now my parents are pissed at me because I didn't call the cops. But whats the cops going to do, last time someone stole something from us the cop wouldn't arrest him because it was under 500$ or something. Whats he going to do if someone took a lighter?
Its like our justice system is there to protect the criminals and make it harder on the people who obey the law.
to some welfair drug dealers.

Ouch, must be the "bad side" of Langley.

Now my parents are pissed at me because I didn't call the cops. But whats the cops going to do

IF you have a hot-line that sends Security Patrol Vehicles, like my neighborhood does, then theirs not much to worry.

Since they were near/at your property and there, you can make a detailed description; how does the people look like, how many are there, etc. If it becomes worse than from this post, you'll be an eye-witness for the police.

Or, if that was me from your standpoint, I would get my wooden baseball bat and stand ready. You do have the rights to protect your property/home.

My heart gets racing too when bad things could occur.

Loudly teens hanging out at a school at 3:00 am; teens breaking down a kids bike; street racers racing through my neighborhood, etc.

Everyone has their bad moments here and there, Gandhi.

Your not alone. :)

Its like our justice system is there to protect the criminals and make it harder on the people who obey the law.

Such as, car thieves here in B.C., it wasnt their first car-jacking. Meaning they were in jail for stealing a car, got out of jail a few weeks later, and stole another car again, COME ON!
More than once i've been dropped to the floor avoiding gunfire or automatic weapons trained on the drug house next door to me. I know what its like.

Cops dont do much in the United States either. I've lived next to drug dealer after drug dealer, shooting after shooting, SWAT raid after SWAT raid. Still drug dealers, for 8 years. We had one lady that liked to steal things from our garage (busted door), including a $400 lawnmower that was probably sold off as drug money.

Its like our justice system is there to protect the criminals and make it harder on the people who obey the law.

Yeah, the justice system treats the criminal better than the victim (like the criminal has rights, and they cant be violated) I've had personal experenice in this area. Where victims are scrutinized and interogated like criminals are.
I realize that this isn't a laughing matter. I also realize that cops need to learn that there is enough law at the end of a night stick. But here is a funny joke about a situation no that much different then Gandhi's;

I was going to bed the other night when my wife told me that I had left the light on in the shed. She could see from the bedroom window. As I looked for myself, I saw that there were people in the shed taking things.

I phoned the police, and they told me that no one was in the area help at this time, but they would send someone over as soon as they were available.

I said "OK," hung up, and waited one minute, then phoned the police back.

"Hello. I just called you a minute ago because there were people in my shed. Well, you don't have to worry about them now 'cause I've shot them."

Within five minutes there were half a dozen police cars in the area, an Armed Response unit, the works. Of course, they caught the burglars red-handed.

One of the officers said: "I thought you said that you shot them!"

I replied, "I thought you said there was nobody available!"
That is pretty funny.
But with the house next door thecops already know everyone in there is trouble, their there 2-3 times a week. Last month they came and I waslistening from my window, and they matched a bunch of items serial #s with some stuff that was stolen, but since so many people live there and they don't know who stole it no one was arested, they just took the stuff away.
And it just drives me crazy, because the cops told us they watch the house, and we have a cop car drive by every half hour because they've found all the people they've been arresting for shoplifting and stuff in the area always lead back to this one house, but the same people still come back.
Two weeks ago I kept seeing guys coming to their back yard with bikes, there must of been 30 bikes in their yard. And a few days later they had a sign outside their house saying bikes for sale. Now if I was the cops I would go check if the bikes match any bikes that were stolen. But no they sold bikes for 3 days. Now their backyard is filled with computers, and there's a guy taking them apart and putting new ones together. So I'm guessing we're going to have a computer sale soon.
The funny thing is the mayor met with the owners af all the local businesses, because of the increase in theft and told them that he's putting people on it to shut this place down. That was 3 months ago, I think he just wants votes for re election.
I'm going to try to see if their breaking any bylaws, and even check with the fire station to see if their stuff piled up in the back is a fire hazard. But I don't think anyone really cares.

And corp I don't live in Langley, I'm just outside in Fleetwood surrey. Surrey such a notorious name, but the weird part is people tell me I'm living in "upper class" surrey, well atleast it used to be.
"Hello. I just called you a minute ago because there were people in my shed. Well, you don't have to worry about them now 'cause I've shot them."

Within five minutes there were half a dozen police cars in the area, an Armed Response unit, the works. Of course, they caught the burglars red-handed.

One of the officers said: "I thought you said that you shot them!"

I replied, "I thought you said there was nobody available!"

I've watched, Bowling for Columbine. Its a very interesting documentary, especially when he asked a couple of news camera men if they had to pick for a headline which would it be, someone with a gun or the fogged Hollywood sign, they said someone with a gun would make a "better" headline. He even asked a cop about their Hollywood sign being all fogged up cause of the pollution, while they were in a crime scene that someone had a gun and the cop ignored him, wow.

And corp I don't live in Langley, I'm just outside in Fleetwood surrey.

Oops, wrong canadian christian. ;)