Hrmm, what kinda friar should Odale be....


Active Member
this isnt urgent, dont get me wrong.... but odale is 38 and i havnt spent time getting him correctly specced. Could i get some input from y'all and see what i should do
. (fighting would be cool) and what realm abilities i should get also.
Good ones!

But if you really want a good spec...well that all depends on how you want to play. I know some people will tell you more staff or more rejuv or whatever, but that is what works for them so you first have to decide what you want to do during a fight then look at what people with that same idea are saying works for them the best, a good place I have found to look for this as I'm sure some know of is

Go there and so if that will help!

Having logged in a good chunk of time on Philippi....  I think I could provide some insight.

Basically.... for any friar, the biggest break pts are:
29 for staff (friar's boon)
38 enhance (second tier self buffs)
45 enhance (best dex.quick buff)
7 rejuv (for cure disease)

That being said, I think anything less than 25 rejuv is reducing your overall effectiveness.

My current spec and my reasoning for the stopping points is:

29 staff (need to have friar's boon. I had 39 staff, and besides one semi useful style, I haven't noticed my damage output significantly drop.)

48 enhance (highest tier self buffs.  Highest Dex/Quick helps boost my dex over 300.  46 and 48 get you the highest heat and cold resists.  good stuff.)

33 rejuv (Dude.  on a full bar of mana I can drop 3000+ hp of healing.  That is worth it.  Much more so than higher staff.  With MCL it's more lik 4200+ hp of healing.  As a story... I once kept Colbi alive chain healing him after he was debuffed and being heat nuked by an enchanter.  You can't do that without 33 rejuv.  You just can't.)

10 parry (rest of the points.)

I love my spec.  I understand it isn't for everyone.  But honestly, I really don't think I sacrifice much offensive output for my healing ability.  25 rejuv is key, but 33 makes you primary healer capable on nearly anything.

One more example of why I like my spec.  I was grouped in DF with a 50 battle friar who had 45 staff.  I kept stealing agro from him so he asked me, "you're 45+ staff aren't you???" !!!!!!   I laughed so hard!!  A battle friar thought that me... a "gimped" rejuv/support friar was actually a battle friar!  This is why I don't think I sacrifice much for my healing.  

Good RAs - Longwind I, Mystic Crystal Lore, Purge, Aug Dex II Aug Quick II, Aug Acuity II, Dodger II, Mastery of Pain II, Mastery of Parry II, Serenity II, Wild Healing II, Mastery of Healing II, Lifter II.

Just my two cents from being a friar for a long time.

Oh yeah... and if you wanna know about my combat effectiveness... just ask Cammandus... Philippi loves dueling Cammandus... <grins>
Miss you guys!
yea yea yea, Phil. If you had less rejuv and more tankage i wouldnt even bother dueling.

Heres what I always thought of them. Be as tank as you can get. I have heard on other servers how powerful friars are and how they can out "beat any class toe to toe." a then RR5 Ranger told me.
Once i DF I came upon a RR4 Friar who beat a RR6 BM. That is sick. BM gets (and used in this fight) Triple Wield, cheap cost IP and cheap cost purge. This friar had to use his IP to live but still RR6 have alot RA's on them.

If was to roll a friar I would plan on all staff all enh, leaving the rejuv to the clerics.

but of course if I wanted to heal someone I have a 48 rejuv spec cler at my disposal. So im not likly to desire another healing class.

Thanks Philippi for the responce and Cammandus for making me feel good to be a friar
i will definately remember those spec numbers, and the realm abilities
Thanks again