How did you get/make your name?

LOL. Very funny avatar, Flamethrøwer. :eek:

The people demand the story of Tek! We shall organize a "sit in" um or "post in" until we get it. Give me liberty or a moderately entertaining story!

Hahahaha HAHahahahaha AHAHAHAHAhahahahahahaha.......

Ah, too bad you weren't there when I did my evil laugh at TS; ToJ's Anniversary. :D
HMMMMMMMMM and still no answers........even with all THAT free time you have???? What won't it work for one of your short stories????

Blessings and Hugs, "Angel"

Because tek still needs to explain himself...


The people demand the story of Tek! We shall organize a "sit in" um or "post in" until we get it. Give me liberty or a moderately entertaining story!

How about this: I'll tell the story of how I chose my nickname when both the Christian Gamers Alliance and Tribe of Judah are fully staffed.

Sound fair? :D
How about this: I'll tell the story of how I chose my nickname when both the Christian Gamers Alliance and Tribe of Judah are fully staffed.

Sound fair? :D

What is fully staffed? 200+ officers? 100,000+ soldiers?

Tek is obviously trying to raise up an army to conquer the universe.
How about this: I'll tell the story of how I chose my nickname when both the Christian Gamers Alliance and Tribe of Judah are fully staffed.

Sound fair? :D

So in other words never XD?

We can meet you halfway Tek we could...

1. Apply for all the positions and then immediately quit right after you tell us the story.

2. Apply for the positions and never do anything.

3. Not apply and continue to pester you FOREVER AND EVER! MWHAHAH... wait we already do that...

4. Just make up your story for you compete with aliens, clowns and embarrassing things you never did but people will believe you did from then on. I'll be nice and set it in a Japanese high school for you but you'll have to be the magical pretty girl of the story.

See all the options we are giving you? :p.

It ok if you don't want to tell us Tek it's not like it would be interesting or well written anyway :D (a not so subtle reverse psychology moment).
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way back when i first started playing CS at 16 or 17 i played with some friends of mine who all had "gravity" in their names. we had a "zerogravity" and from there they were just preposterous words to add to gravity. "digital" "liquid"

so i wanted something exceedingly silly

thus the name :D
4. Just make up your story for you compete with aliens, clowns and embarrassing things you never did but people will believe you did from then on. I'll be nice and set it in a Japanese high school for you but you'll have to be the magical pretty girl of the story.

You forgot about how tek was stalked through his childhood by pedomimes. Of course it doesn't really help that he was abducted by aliens and modified so that he randomly changed genders every other day. Monster robots bombarded the city with used panty vending machines while zombies infiltrated the government. Luckily he was saved when an invading clan of ninjas killed off almost all of his hometown.
I got mine do to my love of revelations in which He IS Coming Soon aka hescomingsoon. hescomingsoon is taken nearly everywhere but hescominsoon isn't(I call this the southernized version..<G>). I prayed for an online nick that Jesus would like and that came into my head. Everywhere i have gone hescominsoon has been available..:)
way back when i first started playing CS at 16 or 17 i played with some friends of mine who all had "gravity" in their names. we had a "zerogravity" and from there they were just preposterous words to add to gravity. "digital" "liquid"

so i wanted something exceedingly silly

thus the name :D

actually your name is very gravity = blackhole...a place in space where gravity is so powerful even light can't escape. I've always liked your nick..:)
When they were very young my kids called me Papa. In the mid 80's they switched to Abba and it stuck.

My first Guild Wars guy was a Monk - Abba San
Next came a Warrior - Abba Kahn
Then an Elementalist - Abba Lahav - lahav is Hebrew for fire.

WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what a powerful name. It'a amazing the handles on here and honestly I have not taken a close look at all of them..:(
Mine's from my main character's name in WoW. My roommate and I made gnome mages and though it would be cool to assault our foes with the twin attacks of fire and ice. I, being Flamethrøwer, speced for fire; and he, being Cryøgenic, speced for ice. Since we planned to play together about 99% of the time, we thought of how awesome it would be for other people to come across two gnomes in the wilderness with such names to match their specs.

My other 80's name is Redletters - loosely based off of an awesome dcTalk song, but it really represents the fact that I would like my speech to be like that of Christ's, even while playing a game (many Bibles have "Words of Christ in red").

My third alt is only 70, not 80 yet, but his name is Likeminded. It's a thing all Christians should strive to be with each other and with God, and it's an attitude I like to be reminded of while playing.

I have several other alts I could go into here, but it would take forever! Hope you like my insights :)
I like the backstory it's really neat...:)
LOL HCS it's in the original thread. Odale, Ody to me, just quoted part of my response. I got on board to pester Tek because I was quoted.

STILL WAITING...........Also I do not feel it's right to try to "persuade" people to become staff. God gives all of us many talents and we have to decide when to use them.

One of Tek's is writing and he DID promise.

Blessings and Hugs, "Angel"

Original post below so you don't have to go look it up:

Tek I want both stories..... the one for Tek7 and the one for Isaiah Jones.... you promised to tell me sometime. Smiles..

Now for mine username which has been explained several times over the years. In forums if you know him his name is Malohaut, gaming he uses Chivah more, real name is Ken...... anyway he saw one of my characters in DAoC just sitting because I chat a lot in game and he asked me could he pray for me. I was quite shocked to find someone willing to be Christian in game and rp that way...... I had met a few others from KoT but did not really put it together. So anyway I really wanted to make a very specific Christian character for KoT. I choose a friar... prob due to both healing and fighting abilities..... and kept looking in my name books to find something that fit.
So I made a two part name Litsa...... which is Greek for angel and Falda ..... which is Icelandic for folded wings. So I made an angel with folded wings for my character. One that needed to learn how to spread her wings more for in game and I always thought a Christian guild may need an angel of some kind. I kept the name and moved it here when I was invited.
Now I just sign "Angel' to most things because most people know me here as that. WOW long story.
Blessings, "Angel"
I got the name Tigress long long ago when I first started college as more of a real life notation rather than just a gaming one. I have a neurological disorder that hinders my conversational abilities so my best friends became foreign exchange students, mostly Asian, rather than native English speakers. I was the one with the Super Nintendo in my dorm room so we often all congregated at my place for huge Street Fighter tournaments. Previously my gaming experience was more of a vicarious thing through my brother rather than my own because my disorder keeps me from having the reflexive abilities needed for a lot of console games (this was back before the times of pc's in every household), so growing up he would be the one actually playing while I would be the one solving the puzzles and navigating and whatnot, so when I left home I had to figure out how to play on my own.

In Street Fighter I wasn't ever able to track the fighting action quick enough to be able to defend myself against anything so it became my style to attack my opponent so furiously and persistently that they couldn't launch an attack back on me and it turned out to be effective enough that I would usually place about third out of twelve in the tournaments, so I became known for excelling by ferocity in place of skill. We went out to eat at a lot of Chinese restaurants back then which would have those placemats with the astrological calendar, and my birthday made me a tiger which everyone thought was appropriate to my personality. It was the first time other people had ever looked past my being sickly and weak to respect other qualities in me so I was pretty happy with it and have kept it ever since.

After I got saved I became RogueTigress because I had to turn away from a lot of things and depend solely on God so that's the way my life felt back then, and that was also my usual gaming style being the most compatible with my "uniqueness". When I got married though, being Rogue didn't seem so appropriate anymore so I changed it to RiverTigress instead. Partly because of geography because we live on the Sacramento River, but mostly because it gave me a clear direction to go with my spiritual life since rivers are very important in God's creation with some very important clearly defined roles to play. They bring nourishment to others and wash away ickiness, and they depend solely on God's provided rainfall so they can be content in whatever state they are in because there's no doubt that whatever it is it is because that is what God specifically desires of them at the time. Sometimes the actions of men can do things to exploit or pollute them for a time, but all God has to do is increase His rainfall a bit more to wash all those things away, too, so there is a peace in knowing even the worst of things is only temporary and God can fix it all anytime He wants.
Whatever you think will work!

OR... I can volunteer for a staff position. That may scare him into doing it.