Hey Yall


New Member
Hey yall I am Zerbe my charcters name is Tayler (14 White Lion). I talked to Shebangs in game last night but she was buisy and also my Character name didn't match my Forum name. I am realy excited to hopefuly join yall, but there is a problem I have come across yall want me to be 18 or have a parent play with me. Well I am 17 and my parents don't play but I saw you made some exceptions for mature minors. I would be more than happy to get a refrence from my parrents or my youth pastor for yall if you would like. God definitly called me to play here he woke me up at 3 a.m. and said I needed to get this game stuff figured out because most guilds are just horible influences. So he gave me the bright Idea that hey there must be otehr christians that play these games so go find them. So here I am! I hope to be playing with yall soon!
Welcome, Zerbe. If your forums name doesn't match your game name, it's not a big deal - just make sure whichever recruiting officer you talk to knows your name on www.toj.cc so they can look you up.

Your maturity level is taken into consideration as 17 y/o. The final decision is made by whoever reviews your application, has a chance to talk to you, etc. I make no promises, but the fact that you'd be willing to give references speaks volumes.

Hopefully we'll see you soon in game.
Hey Zerbe
I have been looking for you in game and have not seen you. I did see where your application was approved via TOJ. If you want to get into vent one day/evening or look me up in game, I can chat with you and hopefully get you in the guild.
My toons are... Shebaely, Shebang, Shewiz, Shezap, Shehan
Look forward to chatting with you.