Halo Olympics


New Member
Just thought you guys might like to know, especially those of you who are fans of Halo.  My friends and I are very, very good at Halo.  We've gone to many tournaments in fact, but we've never actually won any.  The best in our group, however, recently lucked out.  He had been saying over the past few weeks how he had gotten so much better, but since he's always saying that, I didn't think much of it.  Then last week he tells me that he's gotten second place in a regional, which qualifies him to go to the Nationals in California.  According to him, after looking at the list of people who also qualified, he's the 4th or 5th best of the people going.  Of course, I am taking that with a grain or two of salt, but that's still really cool in my book.  Here's why: The top three players from the National go on to represent the USA in a worldwide Halo championship.  This happened last year also, with Zyos (a really, really good Halo player) coming in first overall in the world.  If you want to read more about it, here is their home page.
Wow, that's awesome.

And, yeah, I know what you mean - everyone says they are good lol
Yeah, but the thing is this guy really is that good. He had to play religiously to achieve this level of awesomeness tho..so..yeah.
I'd like to reassure you, but you're probably right about your suckage. : ) We are constantly finding people online that think they're good..it's become something of a joke now. But no worries, you can take comfort in knowing that in order to get good enough to contend, you would have to spend countless hours in front of your screen. Woohoo funtime!

EDIT: Oh, you're probably talking about the PC version. Heh, well, you could probably beat me on that. PC FPS skills are limited. :p
In my time I could beat you all at halo pc
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Tolkien @ Aug. 25 2004,12:02)]I thought I was good until I tried playing some people online.  I found out that I suck!
No kidding man.  I owned anyone and everyone who came over to my house, and we'd even set it up 3vs1 on Blood Gulch CTF and I'd win everytime.  Finally I hooked it up for online play, and wow, those guys are just insanely good. They put me to shame.
Oo, I finally found it. Here's the site with the brackets and everything. My friend's picture is there as well, his name is Steven Murphy. He's going to be one of 21 Halo players going to the national tournament. That's pretty darn cool. Going to be extremely tough tho..he's up against the likes of Walshy and Zyos, two of the best in the world.
Zyos rocks, he's very cool.

I went to korea with him last year and just saw him in miami a little while ago.
It is unfortunate that I do not have mod capabilities on this forum *sigh*

Someone edit Mr.Bill's post.
So sorry, I'll fix it.  You must understand though, the odds of someone actually knowing Zyos, much less going to Korea with him, are astronomically low. I've seen him a few times, but that's all.
when I saw the topic title I was expecting something like the redvsblue site with the halo movies. I played the Xbox Halo online with XBConnect for awhile, then CS then I got hooked on a computer game called "There"
I almost go schooled by a very good looking lady at a campus-wide halo tournament 2-3 days ago. I still stunk up the place and got eliminated in the 1st round of 4 player free for all, I finished 3rd in my batch of 4. I thought I was at minimum decent at halo, but aparently there are many people even locally that can whip me.
You played Vgames right? I'm doing that too. Mine's not till October 23rd tho. Mrr. Must wait. Hopefully these Virginians will be as bad at games as I think they are. ; )