Good PSN titles?


Tribe of Judah Membership Administrator
I got some extra cash to burn in my PSN account, wasn't sure what are some of the better PSN/Mini titles were that you guys have tried.

So far, I have Flower, MVC2, and MGS/FF7.
Critter Crunch and Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo HD Remix.

I'm recommending the games in advance of my getting a PS3 so I have people to play with/against when I finally can afford another console.
I have (and like):
Pixeljunk Monsters (tower defense)
1942 Joint Strike (remake of a top-down arcade plane shooter)
Turtles in Time (remake of the snes in 3d, keeps original arcade feel)
Age of Booty (Catan-like pirate game)

These all allow for local or online co-op, and I had fun playing them all. Only one I couldn't recommend is Age of Booty. It got zero dev support from day 1 even though there were game-breaking bugs with online play. A lot of people were pretty mad. It is fun to play local co-op, though.

I hear fat princess and wipeout are also very good, but haven't played them yet. I'd also check the demos section...I know there is a demo for all of these.
I got Age of Zombies (for my PSP) and Super Stardust HD, I'll check out Critter Crunch and 1942 first (LOVED playing 1942 at the arcade xD).
Super Stardust HD is the classic recommendation for PSN games.

While only local multiplayer, hands-down best dual-stick shmup out there on any platform. If you like shmup, it is basically a mandatory purchase.

PixelJunk Shooter, Eden, and Monsters are fantastic as well. I know Shooter and Eden has some fun co-op multiplayer. The visual style and excellent music coupled with simple but solid gameplay might appeal to more casual gamers as well.

Fat Princess is a lot of fun. It is like a TF2-style Capture the Princess game in third-person perspective (like an RTS). Unfortunately (or fortunately?), PS3 owners rarely have mics and use them, thus the team-focused game tends to suffer for that.

Marvel vs. Capcom 2 is simply fun, like it always has been.

For other small titles, I like Bionic Commando: Rearmed and Shatter. You can also get those on Steam though.

For full-on retail-quality game, you have Wipeout HD with Fury Add-On Pack. Kind of a hardcore futuristic racer. It is also probably the most visually impressive racer until GT5 comes out. I like it a lot, but some ToJ'ers don't find it that appealing.

But yeah, Super Stardust HD would always be my #1 recommendation for a new owner's first PSN title (unless they don't like shmups).
super stardust hd is excellent, and i rather like pixeljunk eden. don't let the style fool you, it's not relaxing in any way, especially when time/life starts running low and you have ONE MORE SEED but it's waaaaaaaaaaaaay at the top of the garden
Just an FYI on Wipeout...if you prefer having a disk (like I do), it's coming out on blu-ray in the October timeframe.