Get to Know Each Other


Tribe of Judah Accounts Manager
I would like to get to know everyone, and I would also like to give people an opportunity to get to know me. Please include as much or as little information about yourself as you like.

Name: Lesley
Age: 24
Location: Indiana
Relationship: Married (to Bryan aka Str Fortress/Hananiah)
Pets/children: we do not have any kids, but we have 4 cats (Gandalf, Nick, Frodo, and Gweneviere) and a dog (Talitha-which means "little girl" refer to Mark 5:41)
Occupation: Right now I work at a Property Preservation company (we take care of the maintance on foreclosed homes), but I'm starting Grad School in the Spring for Accounting. I was also in youth ministry for 5 years, although I am not anymore.
My Walk with God: Well I accepted Christ into my heart at 14, but my family did not go to church, and I had no one to diciple me so I quickly became like the seed planted among the weeds. When the worries of life come up, my faith was strangled to death. When I was 18, I started working at a Christian retail store, and I learned a lot about God during that time. At 19 God called me to start a youth group at my church. I agrued with him. I tried to compromise by leading 4-5 year old Sunday School and then by leading youth Sunday School, but I was miserable in those places. So finally he won, and I started a Youth group with 3 kids. Then my brother and 2 of my husbands brother started coming so the group doubled to 6. The ministry blossumed for about 3 years. There were some issues that I struggled with during that time, that I know effected the kids indirectly. At the time though I was more concerned about myself then them. When I finally repented, the group continued to grow for a while. At one point we ministered regularly and occationally to about 50 youth (which was huge since average Sunday attendance was only about 45). At that point there were people in the church who disagreed with me that even the "small" sins were a big deal. This eventually filtered down to the youth, and the ministry when down to less than 10. It wasn't about learning about God anymore. It became more about critisizing the leaders for being to intolerate. At that point my husband and I kept trying, but we were ineffective and we stepped down. We then joined a church that shared our values, and we have received a lot of healing there. We are being called to leadership in the church once again, and we are very excited about where God will take us next!
Name: Jason

Age: 36

Location: CA

Relationship: Single

Pets/children: No pets

Occupation: I'm a network systems admin for a company call Affinity Development Group we host websites and a call center.

My Walk with God: I was save at the age of 16. At the age of 19 I started to do drugs not heavy drugs at first it was simple smoke weed and drink liquor. One day at the age of 21 a friend at that time ask me if I could help him out on installing a car stereo system, so I said sure no problem I got to his house and started to help him out. My friend was a heavy drug user but he never ask me or force me to do any type of drug but he knew I did smoke weed. This night while I was helping him out he ask me for the first time if I wanted to do a line of crystal. I look at it and said sure why not, I mean people in school and my parents said weed was bad but it wasn’t bad and I felt like I had control of it, so I look at that line of crystal and said sure I sniff this 2 inch line of crystal and with in a couple of seconds I felt so good like I can take on the world there wasn’t a problem that I couldn’t tackle or do. This feeling I felt was my addiction to using crystal, and the high was a feeling I could never keep up with so I did more and more. I had a great job a great girlfriend who I was going to marry at that time and a very nice house. At the age of 22 I lost everything and I mean everything my front room I had a chair I took from the garbage dump it was the only furniture I had in my place. Several months down the road this one day I was coming down from being on crystal for 3 days haven’t slept or eaten any real food I don’t recall if it was at night or during the day, when I was coming down I was lying on the floor sweating couldn’t sleep my mind was so twisted my body was in so much pain I couldn’t get up and go to the bathroom I just lay there and pee on myself like a little child. I remember looking at the ceiling and seeing these black wave objects that look like snakes that would come and go. My heart felt like it was about to come out of my chest. I though I was going to die that day. I remember praying to Jesus: I said Jesus please help me please help me if you get me through this then I’ll stop doing drugs I’ll stop I said this over and over. To this day I know in my heart Jesus kept me alive. I didn’t stay clean it was a battle that lasted for about a year, off and on but the time gaps on being clean were getting bigger and bigger until one day and I don’t know why it was that day I was so angry at myself for being clean for so long and I gave in I said to myself that night over and over why did I do this to myself. That day was the last day I did any drug. I have been clean since the age of 24 to this day I don’t crave or desire to do any drugs. Jesus save me that day and I’ll never forget that he is always with me no matter what I have done he still loves me and I know I don’t deserve any of his blessing I mean all the damage I have done to my family to my friends still to this day I feel bad about what I have done its been 12 years.
Name: Tom

Toon on Cenraius: Jadetine 44 Undead Warrior

Age: 43

Location: Atlanta, GA

Relationship: Married

Pets/children: I have both although its hard to tell them a part :-D
3 children; Jessica (19), Jamie (17), Jeff (15)
2 Pets; Biscuit (Terrier mix), Brutus (Mexican rat dog)

Occupation: I work in the technology field leading a team of project managers and system engineers

My Walk with God: I too accepted Christ young (12) but struggled with my walk through my teens and early adult years. After my second child, and many failed attempts to return to Him, I moved right across the street from a small church. My wife and I attended the next Sunday and we recommitted our lives to Christ. That was 1989. I have been blessed beyond my wildest expectations since.
Name: John

toon on Cenraius: Shadowphlame (UD priest)

Age: 16

location: MA

Occupation: still in high school :p

Walk with God: I was saved at the very early age of 5ish, because I was brought up in the word for my entire life I did not have a real relationship with God for a long time. When I was about 13 years old I moved to El Paso Texas where my family joined the best church I have ever been to. At this church I became a strong believer, I have been on sevral mission trips with the high school youth group to places including Mexico, Tanzania, and Costa Rica, and those are just the ones outside of the US. I have drivin accross the US twice with the youth group (north to south) and have had many amazing expirences with God while on those trips. About 10 months ago though my dad got a job change, and with that change came the call to MA, so here I am, a WoW addict with a call for God!

Real name: Geri

Age: Older than MOST - even Iyce

Marital status: single

Children: 2 boys of the 2 legged variety; 1 girl of the four legged furry type.

location: Reno NV

Primary character: Schmeea lvl 60 rogue on Stonemaul/ Herdmama Tauren Shaman on Cenarius.

Secondary character: Krystalla lvl 60 hunter (Gorgannash); Aladrielle lvl 46 Druid moved to Stonemaul; Stormfroste lvl 46 mage currently hibernating on Maelstrom; Antherialli lvl 31 priest moved to Stonemaul; Geralynne 18 warrior Stonemaul and Endorah 15 warlock Stonemaul and Dokholyday troll priest Cenerius. ( Does this have addict written all over it?):p
About me!

Name: Grant

Toon: Cenarius server - Saesri Lvl 41 Warlock

Age: 36

Location: CA

Relationship: Married (13 years!)

Pets/children: No pets but two beautiful daughters.

Occupation: I am the Network Manager for Affinity Development Group (Xpictoc is my right hand man at work).

My walk with God is not dramatic or flashy as some. I accepted Jesus when I was about 9. It was a wonderful experience for me and my Mom except I passed out right after I prayed asking Jesus to be my personal Lord and Savior! I have strayed often since then and have had my struggles as a teen & young adult with drinking, depression and relationships (prior to being married). Within the last 2 years I have rededicated my life to Christ and my oldest daughter was saved last year. I have been an avid gamer since 'Pong' and black and white TVs (man really dating myself there :eek: ). I think God has given MSC a new beginning to go into the WoW mission field and bring the Good Word to gamers. As co-leader of MSC I want to encourage you to pray for our guild, each other and come have some fun with us!
My Walk

Name: Bryan
Age: 25
Location: Indiana
Relationship: Married (to Lesley aka notashamed/anifinity)
Pets/children: I'll just copy from hers :) "we do not have any kids, but we have 4 cats (Gandalf, Nick, Frodo, and Gweneviere) and a dog (Talitha-which means "little girl" refer to Mark 5:41)"
Occupation: I basically work at the same company as my wife. I bid repairs for bank-owned properties.
My Walk with God: Beware: I am long winded. My walk began when I was in middle school. A friend of mine invited me to come to a sleep-over at the church. His dad was the pastor. I said yes and went. That night around midnight, the pastor had a small service and asked anyone who wanted to receive Jesus as thier personal savior to come up to the altar. All my friends went up. I don't like to be left out in the crowd and feel alone, so I followed, even though I had no intention of beleiving in what I thought was a stupid and weak-minded religion. So to fit in, I confessed with my mouth that Jesus was Lord, but in my mind and heart, I said it did not matter what I said since I did not beleive it.
My life did not change that night. A few years later, I met my future wife. She asked me out (she was my first and only girlfriend) and I said yes. She had been saved prior to this, but I wanted nothing to do with Christianity, so I undermined her faith whenever I could. I really pulled her down for a number of years. Still nothing changed in my life.
After we both had graduated high school, we got married. Lesley rededicated her life and bagan working on me. She asked if I would read the bible, but I refused. So, she asked if she could read it to me. I accepted.
When she was called to youth ministry, I came and helped out. I had been reading the Bible on my own for a while. I had previously thought that the Bible was full of errors and contradicted itself. The more I read, the more I couldn't find those errors or contradictions. So, I thought the Bible must be true, so Jesus must be the Son of God, so I said to myself that I beleived.
On April 19, 2002, Lesley and I took a handfull of youth to Acquire the Fire at the RCA Dome in Indianapolis, IN. This is a Christian event that attracted 44,000 youth. It ran Friday night and all day Saturday. On that Friday night, the speaker, Ron Luce, spoke after many messages had been given. We were all seated around the Stadium. He asked that if anyone felt that night that they were ready to give thier life over to Jesus Christ for the first time or had fallen away and wanted to rededicate, that they would stand 1 at a time and shout, "I want the Cross!" It was only a moment before people began standing and shouting around the stadium. The feelings at that moment are nearly indescribable. I felt something in my heart, that I was not yet right with God. I wanted to stand and shout and accept right then, but I didn't. Instead, I knelt and prayed. When I was younger, I had confessed with my mouth that Jesus was Lord, but in my heart I did not accept it. This time would be different.
I confessed in my heart that Jesus was Lord and I prayed, although I never had before. I did not know what to say, so I just began talking to God. At one point, I looked up over the RCA Dome. I saw the entire Dome, but there were no people in it. There were no shouts and crying. I heard nothing.
In the center of the stadium was a bright light. It was God! I did not hear any words, but I felt them: Love, Longing, Acceptance. I poured out my heart. After I had prayed a while, I looked up again and was startled. Where there had been no one around me, nor any noise, there was now 44,000 people making a lot of noise.
My walk since then has had stumbles and falls, but I do not write to give Satan any credit. Rather I say that my current walk with God is better and improving. I feel the Holy Spirit working in my life day by day. I love my church and the passion for God that so many of them possess and share. God is great in all he does! I would not be here today speaking to you as a fellow beleiver if my wife had not been persistant and been praying me through. Thank you Lesley and Prasie God!
Name: (Aarok) Jose
Age: 31

Location: Texas

Relationship: Married

Pets/children: I have a beautiful gift from God, named Christine (Daughter) and a bundle of furry energy named Nori (Dog)

Occupation: United States Air Force; I load bombs and missles on fighter and bomber aircraft.

My Walk with God: I've found recently that I've the spritual gift of Faith. And I know I can't pay God back for it (nor would I want to try). But, I am going to make sure I do all I can to give glory to Him and show Him how much I appreciate it!
Name: Ryan Brown
Age: 23

Occupation: I work at wal-mart, I'm planning on going back to school hopefully this coming year, and study Youth Ministry, I have felt God's calling me to this area of ministry.

Walk with God: When I was still in high school I went to a church play with some friends and felt God calling me to him. It wasn't till many years later that I started living my life for God, I always thought because I was "good" by world standards that I was fine in God's eyes too, Even having the small understanding as grace as I do, It's amazing to see God work in my life, despite all my shortcomings and mistakes. My goal in life is to glorify God in all that I do, and to lead my fiancee(sp?) and future wife in a God Glorifying way and to lead us both closer to God under his leadership

Name: Sean

Age: 19

Location: Indiana

Relationship: Married

Pets/children: One wonderful daughter

Occupation: I am a Collection Specialist.

My Walk with God: I have been walking with God almost ever since I can remember. I was saved when I was 8. I have fell back many times. I am beginning to move more and more parts of my life to God. After I got married, I focused on work and raising my family, and God didn't get much time. I still believed in Him with all my heart, he just didn't get much time. So, now I am trying to give Him more time, and in this process I feel that he is calling me into the ministry, which I think is cool, but I am getting a little distracted looking for a job.
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Name: David
Age: 48
Location: DFW, Texas area
Relationship: Married

Pets/children: 1 hard working son and 1 very active daughter
Occupation: I am a Federal Firefighter.

My Walk with God: I always believed in God but never really openly accepted Christ as my lord and savior until I was about 40 yo. About a year after my family and I moved to this small town and found the church that felt like home. After visiting several times the spirit moved in meto accecpt the fact that I was a sinner and the Christ was the way for everlasting life. Every since that day I have tried to follow the ways of my savior, follow short somedays, but still know that all my sins will be forgiven and I will be, to qoute one of my favorite songs, "IN CHRIST" one day. One of the way that I have tried to follow Jesus is through the bible study that I started at my fire station, which brought at least 1 lost sheep back to Jesus' herd, as a member of the Fellowship of Christian Firefighters.
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Name: Michelle, Ish-y is my IRL nickname (short for Michelle)
Age: 31
Location: Atlanta
Relationship: Single

Characters: Mirubelie and Roswenthe

Pets/children: 2 or 4 cats, depending on how you look at it
Occupation: Professional writer

My Walk with God: I had an intellectual belief in God most of my life, but it didn't really affect my daily life. As a freshman at the Univ. of Georgia, a woman on staff with one of the campus ministries came around my dorm witnessing. She talked about God in a much different way then a lot of the (dead) churches I had gone to before. I visited the ministry, and liked it so much I kept going. Through that time I was asking her a lot of questions, and on Oct. 17th, 1993, I turned my life over to Christ.

I had planned to be a missionary to Japan, after serving a short-term with Pioneers, but I have some health issues and was turned down after a very long process of back and forth. I spent three years at Southeastern Baptist Theo. Seminary for a master's in Intercultural Studies, and now am writing a fiction series for teen girls. I also run a ministry called TechnoChicks for Christian female geeks and gamers.
Name: Ron

Age: 51
Location: Springfield, Illinois
Relationship: Married,
Characters: (Ronyg on the Horde Sen'jin realm) - (Ekklesia on the Blade Edge realm)
Children/Pets: 1 son who is also into WOW, and a Boston Terrier named Star
Occupation: Administrative Minister at a multi-campus church.

My Walk: I was brought up in a non-church going family. After a few difficult loses (friend killed and pet killed - before going into the ministry full time I was in law enforcement for 15 years and some of that time was as a K-9 officer), through a friend's parent's they invited me to church. I accepted Christ, married a wonderful Christian girl (some 25 years ago) have a great son who is about to turn 13. Jesus has been faithful to me (I wish at times I could say the same) ever since. And I'm thankful for finding this site and being a part of a Christian Guild in WoW
Name: Jo (aka Madeline, Madiera, Chula)

Age: 43

Location: DFW, Texas area

Relationship: Married to Rudy (aka Texican or Lechuza)

Pets/children: No kids - Just 3 bunnies (2 big guys and one dwarf bunny) + a large puppyish monster named Buck who reminds us constantly what God expects from us

Occupation: Local truck driver in DFW (hey, someone has to get the stuff to the stores!) (Please don't cut off the big truck, it might be me!)

My Walk with God: This is me trying to be brief - spent 39 years believing in some sort of Supreme Being even though parents are agnostic at best - but mostly secular. Dabbled in Wicca and Buddhism and New Age - always searching for God but never quite getting there. The Christians I knew weren't - so it was the last thing in the world that appealed to me.
One day I met my future hubby online. He talked about his faith. I asked questions - lots of them, and tended to think he was a little hard headed. Then I actually started listening to some Christian tapes - mostly Chuck Swindoll - and had more questions. Then I found the Left Behind series and listened to that in the truck (I was over the road at the time and listened for 12 hours at a shot - kept me awake and rolling.) Of course, I had MORE questions, and Rudy patiently answered - and while I was driving I accepted Christ.
Yes my life changed - had a target on my back! I finally found the God I knew was there and Christianity made sense! There were no loose threads that other religions had. However, life was dealing out a lot of challenges and beat me up a bit - and my newfound faith also took some blows. Now the challenges are strong and still trying to develop and grow in my faith knowing now that God is there with me - and giving me grace.
No matter what - I am very grateful that Jesus took my sins to the cross, because I can't carry them.
Name: Mike (Bluhd)
Age: 39
Location: Maryland
Relationship: Married
Children: 12 year old son (Dugatsou) and 9 year old girl
Pets: Taste like chicken
Occupation: Software Consultant
My Walk with God: I grew up in a church going household, but our church was about "warm fuzzies" and not the Word of God. When I went to college God hooked me up with Intervarsity Christian Fellowship (IV) and I became a born again Christian at the age of 19. My parents followed shortly afterwards. I met my Jewish wife at the end of my college years, the Lord opened her heart soon afterwards. After graduating from college I joined the U.S.Army for 5 years. One year into my Army time we got married, and I moved my wife away from her friends and family as we got transferred to the Kentucky/Tennesse border at the 101st Airborne Division. There my wife and I joined a local church and the Lord used us to start a bible study with the folks in the apartment complex we lived in. The Lord worked wonders in our lives and in the lives of those around us. Then the Army moved us back to Maryland where my son was born, the 12th generation of our family born in Maryland. We helped start a church plant. My daughter was born.

As my jobs changed we moved back to my home town, a mile from my parent's home. We joined yet another local church, our current church ( A very spirit filled church leading the way with AIDS orphans in Africa. Our pastor and his wife met with President Bush a few weeks ago to discuss the AIDS orphan situation in Africa. We are very happy there.

The Lord God Almight has blessed my job, family and living situations. Each move, each change of companies, the Lord has paved the way and made things easy. God is good, all of the time.

Name: James Gilkison(Gilk)

Age: 34

Location: Kentucky, I work in Ohio, lived most of my life in Ohio, and now live right across the Ohio River in Kentucky. I guess I like to pay higher taxes!

Relationship: Married

Pets/children: No kids. 4 fish tanks (1 at home, the other 3 at school)

Occupation: Art teacher (grades 7-12) aka Mr. Gilk

My Walk with God: I'm a preachers kid. Dad's been retired from preaching and teaching for several years now. I've been in church all my life. Played the piano and organ there and few other churches, too. I play specials at the church I go to now. It's been converted to CD's so every Sunday playing is the way of the past. I can't remember any tragic experience that converted me. I was kind of born into it, like it was always there.
A thought about God: I don't understand how he puts up with me... just why. That's the important part anyway.
Name: Ambour

Age: 22

Location: Wellington, New Zealand

Relationship: Me n Tigerbalm are having a baby. ^^

Pets/children: ^

Occupation: Well, after spending a year getting therapy for Borderline Personality Disorder, I'm now entering motherhood. Russ/Tigerbalm makes enough for the three of us thankfully.

My Walk with God: I loved God a lot when I was a kid, biblically though, compared to my mum's more healer/guide approach to God. When things got bad for me, though, I decided God didn't exist, about 12 years old, and started with the wicca and everything else on the planet - seriously, I mean, quiz me. After going about as far as I could go into chaos and pain, for about 10 years of my life, I one day saw this kind of modest light, and questioned it's appearance. It said it was the god I hated, and that it wanted me to reconsider my position. So I did. About a week later I realized, regardless of what happened to make me hate God, my life got even worse when I went down that path than if I had remained faithful. A billion things shone out to me about my state of mind that seemed to be flawed, only because I didn't accept the god of Christ, it seemed it made me incapable of being healthy. So I made the only logical choice I had, I admitted I was wrong. I've never been baptized, by anyone lol, and I still wait for my Catholic baptism, which takes a lot more effort than I can muster atm, but it's an event I look forward to.