French revolution


New Member group at school is doing a project on the French Revolution and A Tale of Two Cities.
Just wondering if any of you have insight as to ideas for a documentary-"we are a group of journalists who has been given the assignment to produce a documentary on the French Revolution.  You have been sent approximately two centuries back in time to interview major (and minor) historical characters and to cover events in the revolution...the documentary should provide the class with an accurate and informative view of the revolution and its relationship to A Tale of Two Cities"
We would greatly appreciate any ideas from you!!  If you have any, you can e-mail me-it's in my profile!

Note: for example, right now we are in the "writing center" at our school, trying to find information on different people from the Revolution as well as background info on the Revolution. So anything like that would be a great help!
My advice would be to pick a few historical figures - such as Robespierre and Marie Antoinette - but also to find out which classes were at the divergent sides of this confrontation and represent their opinions and attitudes. Interview a representative member of the town peasantry, the literati, the city peasantry, the middle classes, the aristocracy...

This way you show you understand the greater social dynamic behind and beneath the revolution itself.
