F.E.A.R. demo

Tek7 (Legacy)

CGA & ToJ President
I just finished the F.E.A.R. demo. (Two demos in one day, let's hear it for poor college students!) I have to admit, I almost jumped out of my seat a few times. If you like horror flicks, then you'll love F.E.A.R. Personally, I don't like horror movies, so I won't be buying this game--even if it does show up on the discount rack.

The action of the game itself is well-done, but offers nothing in terms of immersion or engine "shininess" that you can't get in Half-Life 2. F.E.A.R.'s claim to fame will no doubt be the hallucinatory and "freaky ghost" sections that call to mind the "drugged" experience of Max Payne.

I stopped playing Doom 3 about two minutes after that whole "walk into the bathroom and see yourself as a zombie" sequence. I, unlike most Americans, don't enjoy being scared. It's one thing if I turn the corner and there's a soldier in my face. It's quite another if I turn around to climb down the ladder and a girl covered in shadows suddenly appears, laughs eerily, and then dissipates.

The developers did a great job of creating a spooky ambience, so if that's what you're into, then I definitely suggest this game. If such things disturb you, then I recommend passing on F.E.A.R. and picking up Call of Duty 2.
I heard the online multiplayer was good, but it also didn't sound like the sort of game I would enjoy, online or off. Quake 4 single player is pretty good. If you enjoyed Doom 3 but didn't like the focus on fright, I think you'll find Q4's single player nice.
I played the MP beta and was unimpressed, the animations were choppy, and it didn't really seem to offer anything that I couldn't get in a better game. I played the SP demo and I was also unimpressed, it also seemed to have choppy animations, and it was a bit glitchy, but it was more entertaining than the MP beta. The scary atmosphere was very cool though.
Talon said:
I stopped playing the F.E.A.R demo after the 2nd f-word.
Aye, the language was completely unnecessary. Yet another example of adding profanity or obscenity as a lazy way to draw interest.
Tek, I hear ya! My friend dragged me to "Dawn of the Dead" 1.5 years ago, and I actually had to get up and leave about 20 min. into the movie, because I just simply couldn't take it anymore. I jump at the "sudden surprise" moments in pg13 and typical rated R action movies, but the experience of watching Dawn of the Dead was many times worse, and I just felt like the directory was being sadistic towards me.
I wandered into another theatre and caught the ends of Starsky and Hutch and Ladykillers, so in other words, I left the theatre thoroughly dissatisfied.
I almost downloaded the F.E.A.R. demo last night. I'm not a big fan of FPS games, but I am a huge fan of survival horror and true scary gameplay. My wife talked me out of it by telling me I didn't have time to get the game even if I did like the demo. That and the fact that it takes a pretty hefty video card to really enjoy the experience (or so I've been told.)
I beat fear just recently, it was pretty good over all but defintley had some scary and jumpy moments. It got a little repetative in the same way that Doom 3 did, the locations all look the same. You will be going through office buildings pretty much the entire way till you reach the end. The good point about the game was the action and shoot outs were amazing works of art. Bullets impact walls causing chunks to fly into the air and tables, chairs, computers, paintings, or anything around goes mobile in a fire fight.