
So Evolve is set to release on Feb. 10, 2015 (at the moment).

I haven't been following the game, but it's made by the same folks that made Left 4 Dead (right?) and looks similar. Maybe there'll be demand for a ToJ Evolve chapter?

I ask because I really don't know. I...really haven't kept up on gaming news lately.
I'd guess that, unless it turns out to be the best game ever, a price point of $59.99 X.X will keep significant numbers of players away until it drops. At that price even Starcraft II didn't get traction here.
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I'd guess that, unless it turns out to be the best game ever, a price point of $59.99 X.X will keep significant numbers of players away until it drops. At that price even Starcraft II didn't get traction here.
StarCraft II will be THE last game I ever pay $60 for.


But IIRC, I had a $20 Amazon credit for buying Super Mario Galaxy 2 from Amazon and I applied that toward my copy of SC2. So that eased the sting a bit.

But yeah, there's no way I'm spending $60 on a game (at least, until inflation ramps up to the point where $60 in the future is like $20 or $30 today).