Everybody's Favorite


New Member
Yes, that's right. Shuranda and I have quests for the all-time favorite instance: Uldaman. We could really use 3 suckers- uh...I mean volunteers, to help pull us through. I know that few, if any, enjoy going in there, but if it's done in an orderly manner it doesn't take long and you (well, "I", actually) can walk away with a ton of XP. And XP is exactly what my tank needs so we can have another 60 prot-spec warrior.

Samage would never stoop so low as to remind fellow brothers-in-Christ what they should do when another brother-in-Christ is in need; he's a gnome, he doesn't have to stoop. :D Samsomite, on the other hand, is human, and to error is human, so he may just do it. :rolleyes: So all you folks who aren't doing Scholo/Strat tonight and would be bored out of your gourd, here is an opportunity to show a lowly level 44 warrior just how uber you are.

P.S.- For all you grammarians out there, I know it's "err." I was being punny. ;)

P.P.S- Please, don't make me beg; it won't be pretty. Please. I beseech (see, no begging yet) you. We'll take anyone willing to help. Even if it's a guy in a...<gulp> pink dress. :D
I cant speak for myself, but I can speak for Peregrino:

"I (Dave/Peregrino) have a mage quest to do in Uldaman, and am looking for a group as well. I enjoy making bad things die really really fast. I also enjoy bubble baths, and not posting on the guild forums."
Who needs a 60? Eric, Eron (pronounced ee-ron, btw) :D , Shuranda, and I delved into the vile caverns by ourselves. For you non-math majors, that's four (as in 1...2...3...4!) lowbies and we cleaned the place out. A 45 fury/arms warr, 44 feral drood, 43 fury warr, and a 43 holy/disc priest. No crowd control, no AoE, and no deaths! We finished all our quests except for the power stones; they don't drop everytime and we all needed them, so we quickly ran out of dwarves to kill.

All you 60s go run and hide in Strat, Scholo, and Silithis. We don't need you. We...are...UBER! :p