Ephesians 4:29


"Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification accordng to the need of the moment, so that it will gve grace to those who hear."

My memory verse for today...I've been finding that all to often I allow myself to slip into harsh/abrasive/negative talk at work. Therefore, today I am going to oil and sharpen the sword, check the leather on the hilt and work some lazy out of my spiritual muscles.

I think this is a difficult area for a lot of people in the workplace. I think it's something we all need to remember - whether it be in the workplace, school, family, or even in WoW. I think this a great verse to keep in mind when you speak in trade chat, guild chat, party chat, or any other chat channels you may choose to speak in.

I strive to keep this verse in every aspect of my life. I'd like to challenge all our guild members to keep this verse in mind as they play. In WoW, there is no body language, no voice inflections, no other way to communicate with aside from the words we type (discounting vent). Our words are our greatest testimony to the people we play with day to day. Be sure your words are wholesome and uplifting.
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Love this verse! Something I've tried to live by. We under-estimate the impact of the things that we say, both negative and positive. And people are so used to hearing the negative all the time...just try giving some one a compliment today, and watch their reaction.
"Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification accordng to the need of the moment, so that it will gve grace to those who hear."

My memory verse for today...I've been finding that all to often I allow myself to slip into harsh/abrasive/negative talk at work. Therefore, today I am going to oil and sharpen the sword, check the leather on the hilt and work some lazy out of my spiritual muscles.


thanks for that verse, it is something we could all learn to abide in and would eliminate many troubles. i know i myself could use improvement in this area. thanks again......