Dropping in


New Member

I just wanted to drop by and say Hi to everyone. It's been 5 months or so since I cancelled my WoW account, so I hope those of you who knew me before I cancelled my account still remember me. Just an update, I have been doing well with my program, although it has been a crazy workload. At this point, I just have final exams and final lab exams left, which is still quite stressful. Anyways, I am considering bringing Mailliwivad out of retirement for the Christmas Break only...however this is contingent on the number of family and church activites that pop up, since I only have 3.5 weeks off. In any case, once my next term is over and I go into clinical, I have been told I will have more time. So hopefully I can resume playing again in May, I still don't intend to let my "on leave" status become permanently retired. I do drop by the forums regularly, even though I don't post anything, so I have been keeping up. See you in game...at some point.
Hey David,

Thanks for dropping in and letting us know what the latest is. Sounds like classes are going well - just keep at it. I know how hard it was to keep focused as I approached the end of my classes, but it really pays off on graduation day :)
In any case, once my next term is over and I go into clinical, I have been told I will have more time.

They're predicting you have clinical depression? Woah that IS a killer workload.

Aaaaaaaaaanyhooo you got me first thing in the morning, that's what you get.

It's great to hear from you, man, and I'd love to see you over Christmastime!

(BTW just so you know, I've heard that Christmastime around here will be a big PvP extravaganza, but I haven't heard much more than that.)
They're predicting you have clinical depression? Woah that IS a killer workload.

Heh, Yah I suppose I should qualify that.

My program, respiratory therapy, consists of two years of didactic, or in class teaching, and one year (11 months) of clinical, where we are actually in the hospital and manage patients in the ICU and ER, as well as some OR time. I am in the second year of the program which is, I am told, similar to second year med school in workload and complexity.

Glad to hear from you. Only 5 months? wow it feels longer. We have grown a bit but you will recognize us oldies :) Hope to hook up with you over the holidays.
Keep up the hard work Dave. It will pay off in the end. And we will be here when your life calms down. Look forward to getting to play with ya when you return.
In Christ, Shuranda
Nice to see ya posting a bit Dave...we have missed you!! Todd hasn't gotten nearly as far ahead of you as you may have feared because baby Brooke is taking up his time...he has exchange his pink robe for something a bit more manly though although I think the nickname "pinky" has stuck.

Come join us for Christmas even if you only get to play a bit it would be nice to have you around!!
