DoH Walkthrough...

Awesome, thanks to that I learned how to do DoH classes. The only problem, when it "gives you a recipe" it only tells it to you in chat... there is no in-game recipe book. :(
Awesome, thanks to that I learned how to do DoH classes. The only problem, when it "gives you a recipe" it only tells it to you in chat... there is no in-game recipe book. :(

That we know of...remember, we are only playing like 15% of the game...
I've always wondered what other benefits that your character has when starting the game as a DOH class, other than the gear you get to start with. In what case would you start as a DOH class?
I would not start with a DoH class personally. It is easy to buy the stuff to become any class, so why not start out with battle ready gear?