Desktop or Laptop for GW2


New Member
My wife is thinking about joining us for GW2, but her computer, which is my old work computer, is giving up the ghost. Now I'm looking around for a new computer for her, and trying to decide on whether to get her a laptop or a desktop.

We need it to have the following:
Be good for educational software, we home school our boys.
Be good for home finances
Because I can't write it off as a business expense, under $600 would be good ;)
Be able to run GW2 smoothly

Any suggestions on type, brand, and or components?
I've always ran desktops so I have no experience with laptops. I carry a tablet for bids and before that I carried pen and paper, I know I'm a bit of a luddite. So any suggestions would be appreciated.
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Hmm, my gut says to go with a desktop since it can run games well within that price range (if building custom). A laptop around $600 would be affordable but I'm concerned the graphics card it comes with may be weak (or just intel).
Definitely desktop. The only reason I have a laptop and not a desktop is because I'm in school and need the mobility. Otherwise I would have a desktop twice as powerful as my laptop for less money. And I exaggerate only slightly.

As far as brands go, what have you used most? I've been using HP for the last several years, and aside from the litany of pre-installed garbage, I haven't had any problems and have been generally pleased with their work. I would stay away from Gateway and other lesser brands, but it's hard to go wrong with one of the major ones (Dell, Asus, HP, etc.). Unless you're uber picky :p
Desktop. My Mother has a laptop but since she never moves it like we thought she would a desktop would have been much better. Upgrades, part replacements/repairs, bigger screen, bigger keyboard, etc. I see no reason to get a laptop over a desktop unless you need to move it around.

P.S. Oh you are the guy who sent me an e-mail today. Hiya! :)
Definitely desktop. You get more power for less money, the ability to upgrade, the ability to replace components, and no heat issues.

The only reason to go laptop if if you really need the mobility.
Most definitely if mobility is not needed go desktop just for lack of cooling problems if nothing else. Also it is hard to upgrade a laptop. You can extend the life of a desk top by 4 years or more with a few upgrades every now and then, much cheaper to upgrade a desktop, rather than buy a new laptop. So long range cost says desk top. I bought my wife and I a new desktop in October of '09 and will not have to upgrade for at least a couple of years yet. Then it may be new video cards, but nothing else. I don't know about Radeon video cards, but for the cash spent most of the system you show is not too bad, check with someone else on video card. I would run a quick cost/benefit look at building your own. The big advantage to not doing so is the warrenty if it is a good company.

edit: for the extra money I might go with this
It's not a super video card, but I use a much lesser GTS 520 512mb, and so far in Betas I'm running on max settings. So I would say on release you could do the same.
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It's not a super video card, but I use a much lesser GTS 520 512mb, and so far in Betas I'm running on max settings. So I would say on release you could do the same.

Don't get used to that. Not sure if they will optimize for the last Beta or do that for a rumored stress test between BWE3 and release. But just a reminder that the graphics are not necessarily going to be the same from what we have seen.
Good point STC, what I should have said is that it is well within the system requirements already set forth by ANet.

What are the minimum system requirements for Guild Wars 2?
Our goal with Guild Wars 2 is to have it run on a wide range of Windows gaming PCs.

Windows® XP Service Pack 2 or better • Intel® Core 2 Duo 2.0 GHz, Core i3, AMD Athlon 64 X2, or better • 2 GB RAM • NVIDIA® GeForce® 7800, ATI X1800, Intel HD 3000, or better (256MB of video RAM and shader model 3.0 or better) • 25 GB available HDD space • Broadband Internet connection • Keyboard and mouse

Note: Due to potential changes, system requirements may change over time and you may be required to upgrade your current system (or obtain a new system) to continue to play the game.
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I'm wondering how many, if any, parts you can use from your old computer in a new one. If you have a working case, power supply (with enough power and correct plugs for any video card you may get), monitor, OS, keyboard and mouse it adds up to cut the cost down. If not you are looking at $200 at least just for that stuff.

I'd go to and play around building systems. If nothing else it's kinda fun. Also sign up for their newsletter and watch the (frequent) sales. Though we had some of the above components already my Father's computer was built for under $600 watching sales.
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Forgot to ask. What is the time frame of need? ASAP? One month? Two months?
Intel Core i5-2400 Sandy Bridge 3.1GHz
$189.99 CPU Newegg

G.SKILL Ripjaws Series 8GB (2 x 4GB)
$41.99 8GB of Memory Newegg

$70.99 Motherboard Newegg

Antec Three Hundred Illusion
$69.99 Case Newegg

Antec NEO ECO 520C 520W
$59.99 Power Supply Newegg

ASUS 24X DVD Burner
$19.99 CD/DVD Drive Newegg

OCZ Agility 3 AGT3-25SAT3-180G
$107.00 Solid State drive Newegg

EVGA 01G-P3-1556-RX GeForce GTX 550 Ti (Fermi)
$109.99 Video card Newegg

Total: $669.93

This doesn't include shipping or taxes. You may want to do a little searching online to find some deals.

(Note: This is the one I'm building for my wife and it will play GW2.)
I've read from consumer sources that August is the best time to buy a new computer, because that is the highest volume of sales for the industry (due to back to school) and so the companies offer the best sales then. According to the articles I read, Black Friday isn't actually the best time to get deals on computers, unlike other items.

Of course, that was in reference to complete computers. I wonder if it applies to component sales as well.
Thanks guys y'all are giving me alot of good info. I would like to either build or buy soon. Her computer is giving up the ghost and we home school pretty much year round, so she needs it for that if nothing else. Her joining me for GW2 is just a bonus.
Now I just built my computer it has AMD quad core processor, 8gb ram(upgradeable to 32 gb), 32GB sshd and a 500 gb hd, 2 dvd burners and motherboard has raedon graphics onboard, thermaltake case and powersupply all for under $500