Custom Map Gamenight Round 2


Tribe of Judah Staff Manager
That's right, you asked for it and now there is no turning back!! Custom map gamenight round 2 is in effect. Join us for a great night of fun and mayhem as we load up another set of custom maps to playtest, get feedback from the players on, and possibly add into our rotation. As always cake and punch will be provided.*

When: Monday, February 11th @ 7 P.M. CST - 10 P.M. CST

*The cake is a lie.

**Ever wondered how we pick the player of the week in our Steam community? Well, during this gamenight we will have a competition going to determine who our player of the week is. The competition is to see who can kill our fearless leader Tek7 the most! At the end of the night Tek will post who he felt his greatest nemesis was and that person will be chosen for our gamer of the week in Steam community.
Game night, w00t! You know I'll be there.

And uh oh, looks like Tek7 just back a huuuge target put on his back, lol
That's right, you asked for it and now there is no turning back!! Custom map gamenight round 2 is in effect. Join us for a great night of fun and mayhem as we load up another set of custom maps to playtest, get feedback from the players on, and possibly add into our rotation.
Here's the set of customs scheduled for our next playtest:
  • cp_castle3
  • cp_desertfortress
  • cp_labor
  • cp_science
  • cp_toy_fort_beta2
  • ctf_quarry_v2
Click here to download a .7z archive with the maps listed above.

You'll need 7-Zip (which is freeware) to extract the maps from the archive.

Well, during this gamenight we will have a competition going to determine who our player of the week is. The competition is to see who can kill our fearless leader Tek7 the most! At the end of the night Tek will post who he felt his greatest nemesis was and that person will be chosen for our gamer of the week in Steam community.

Though I suppose I should wait until the event is over before making the call.
Just for fun, we should turn Friendly Fire on for the night.

Then Tek could be a spy all night.

Talk about massive TK's...
just for that one Tek I'll back you up with a medic :) we'll dominate them all !!!
I'll bring my Battle Medic (Syringes ftw!) or my Pyro, since he has the best taunt in the game. o_o
ahhh... Taco Bell I like being there too ;) I'm do my best to be there Tek and I have some names to kick and rears to take... wait...stop...reverse that.... there you go.
Okay, so after playing for the last 4-5 hours or so, I will rate the maps imo.

* cp_castle3 -- 4/5 A bit bland, but some good open spaces for battles, and multiple areas to run through.
* cp_desertfortress -- 5/5 Good looking map with some good chokepoints and open areas.
* cp_labor -- 2/5 A bit weird and sloppy looking due to the amount of props,
* cp_science -- ?/5 Didn't play this long enough, we need more folks.
* cp_toy_fort_beta2 -- 4/5 Good passages and tunnels, nice for Heavies and Pyros.
* ctf_quarry_v2 -- 4/5 I like the open areas, the tight bases, and the minecart is always fun.

Was a lot of fun playing with the guys online. Hope to do this again soon. ^_^

-- ([]Keerosene)
I pretty much agree with Keero's ratings of the maps.

cp_castle3: I've always been kind of "eh" on on this one. Can be fun, but can sometimes be near impossible for one team to win.
cp_desertfortress: Always been a favorite of mine, even if the sky does blind you with overpowering HDR bloom!
cp_labor: Yeah, kinda prop heavy, but still really fun. The close-quarterness (now I'm making up words) adds to the fun I think.
cp_science: Yes, you need more people probably. But the reason I can't stand this one is that I always get so lost, and spend all my time looking for the points.
cp_toy_fort_beta2: Ok. Feels big, but at the same time keeps the play are small, unlike cp_rats which is just huge.
ctf_quarry_v2: Also pretty fun. A good variety of everything in this one.

Overall, a really fun night. Glad I played tonight!
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Quick thoughts...even though I didn't play all the maps with you guys, I ran through the maps this morning to get a bit of a look.

cp_castle3: always enjoyed this one, have experienced some great moments with my teammates here, though it can have a few bottle necks that are hard to break.
cp_desertfortress: seemed *really* big, don't know what it would be like with players. Without some good NGs dropping teleporters, map might be slow?
cp_labor: meh, it's ok, nothing to write home about.
cp_science: I really like the layout of this map, kind of reminds me of UT2004 Onslaught maps, even if it's still a "linear" map. Lots of cool places to hide sentry guns and dispensers.
cp_toy: seemed *really* tiny to me, which could be good for the right player load. I think of it has a CP cousin to Mach.
cp_quarry: definitely like, it's got some space but it doesn't feel like you're traveling forever to get somewhere. Mine carts are cool.

Thanks for coming our FragMan and bringing your P2D buddies! gg!
I played all the maps so I'll throw in my 2 cents.

cp_castle3: Fun map but not very well balanced. I thought defense was easier than offense
cp_desertfortress: Really liked this map. The non-linear cp idea is awesome and I think it plays really well. As Shagz said you do need a decent amount of people but even with 12-16 it is a lot of fun.
cp_labor: Well designed map. Several ways to each point. A little confusing but signs make it easier. Good battles with any number of players.
cp_science: Fairly confusing, but we didn't have enough players to get a very good impression.
cp_toy: Fun if the other team isn't entirely pyros (Yes I'm pointing at you P2D guys). Not quite enough different paths and stays extremely linear, but still fun if you are looking for a kill fest.
ctf_quarry: I'm not a big ctf fan but this map was pretty cool. Lots of different paths into the base, but bottlenecks into the intel room so it is easier to guard.

Overall cp_desertfortress was definitely my favorite, but I also liked labor.
Fun if the other team isn't entirely pyros (Yes I'm pointing at you P2D guys).

Haha, well, in my defense, I picked pyro first. :p

But also, I realized I didn't actually say what my favorites were. I liked cp_desertfortress the most, but cp_labor was a close runner-up. cp_science was probably my least favorite (even though we didn't play it for very long).