CT Mods update, post 1.12


Beta Mods - Test 1.12 versions available
TS - 07/22/2006 @ 01:43pm

Visit our Beta Mods page to grab updated versions of a few mods for the WoW 1.12 Test Server. So far we have only found a few bugs or necessary changes, and those have been completed.

CT_PartyBuffs - fixed an error on load.
CT_RaidAssist - rather large change in that it no longer uses a channel.

That is correct, CTRA no longer requires the channel. There is no more broadcasting, joining, or leaving of a channel. Blizzard has finally given us the ability to use a 'hidden' raid channel to convey messages between mods.

NOTE: This change of no longer requiring a channel has the side effect of making CTRA version 1.54 no longer backwards compatible. PREVIOUS VERSIONS OF CT_RaidAssist WILL NOT WORK WITH 1.54. This means everyone in your raid will need to upgrade to the latest version to ensure compatibility.

Don't run out and download anything yet, as there's nothing there. but after 1.12 hits, you'll need this to continue raiding. Ah, I can't wait for this... no more broken /rabroadcast messages.... sweet!

Thanks Blizz for fixing this (using the hidden channel) and CT Team for utilizing it!
I expect this one change to make a number of mod developers happy. GEM and GuildAds to name only a few. I know both projects are working on changes for 1.12 already though GuildAds boys are taking some time off to enjoy the summer over in France (where they live btw).
hmm... the new raid channels will be nice, but will they be accessable in a non-raid situation? Ie, can the guild use them for GEM/GA, or do we still need to tie up a chat channel?

I'd be nice to be able to use more than 1 chat channel for.... *Gasps* chat! :)