
Avesther...... Like I said and will say again after re-reading the policy. There really isn't a mention of priority or consideration, and I think maybe there should be. Just because you are a Raider and show up that's great you've earned your title, but that's also a responsibility or why else would it be there. If a Raider is no present when they should be I don't think that should give them priority on a follow-up Raid over someone else who was there already.

25 Man Selection Process

The 25 man raid teams will be selected in the following manner:

Non-Farm Bosses (i.e. Progression Bosses)

Raid is announced over Guild Chat and the officer with whom you should send your 'WL ADD' to.

Depending on who is expected to atteend (e.g. signed up on PhP) and who has sent in WL ADDs, the Raider Leaders will put together a raid composition. What this means is that for some instances/bosses we will need 5 tanks, for some we will need 8 healers, for some we will need locks more than other dps classes, etc. The raid leader's judgment on who they feel they need to succeed is final word.

Members that have the Raider rank will receive priority over Members

Raider members that have signed up on the PhP site will receive priority over those that haven't

If all 25 spots are not full, Members will be invited (priority going to those that have signed up on the PhP site)

If at any point, more than 25 attendees are present and online, slots will be randomed for. If a member is added by a /random roll, they will receive secondary priority on /random rolls on the the next attempt on the same boss / instance. This is in order to maximize the number of people that get to see that when we have a surplus of people available for raids.

So you dont have to forum troll
Ok Looking at this Forum thread and everyone kind of saying talk to a raid leader I thought I would post.

This is only for 25 man raids and this is how I do invites.
18:00st - I annouce to guild that Raid invite starts and please send me a "WL ADD" in Whisper to get on the list. (If you have talked to a Officer or Raid leader and told them you will be there I will add you to the list manually but you must trust them to have told me or remembered)
18:15st - If I feel the raid might be viable I will invite Raiders to the Raid.
18:20st - Invite Non Raiders to the Raid
18:22st - I will tell the raid where we are going for the night.
18:30st - I will invite Probation members if not enough Guild members and Raiders to fill the Raid.
18:37st - Pray
18:45st - Pull Boss or Trash

Ok there is how I fill the raid if everything goes well. Now here is a changes that Happen in the invites.

Ok here are the changes.
1) If I invite a person they and they are in a group I put you on the back of the invite list.
2) If you are on a alt and WL added from the Alt and did not WL add me on the Main and you are not there for a Invite or changed I will leave you to fix it or not get in the raid.
3) The PHP site is not used for building Raids which I have been lax on and that is my Fault but nobody used it that much so I let it slip. If people want it back we will add it back and I will invite from that first but not at at this time.

Please feel free to contact me at anytime PM me here or send me a Email at I will respond.
