Companion Bug?


New Member
Is anyone having companion problems where you order your companion to attack a certain target, but either it jumps on another, or just stands there?
I haven't had that problem. I only have a problem with I start to attack and my companion stands there scratching his butt.
My problem is Kira won't put that dang double bladed light saber away. She seems to always be in combat mode.
I have felt like there was a major delay in this, from sending them to attack and them actually attacking
I've noticed they don't auto-engage well, but if I send them in, they will engage after a second or two delay (for Jorgan, this is partly due to the delay in using his abilities...which seem to have a long lead time, rather than channeled or long delays in the animation at the end.)
In the case of Khem Val, I have noticed I will send him in and he will run upto the mob. Then there is a pause between when he gets there and actually attacks. I can actually pull agro first if I dont wait for him to attack first.

It has frustrated me a bit in playing the sorc.
sometimes I would target a different person than what I asked my companion to attack, but for some reason, my companion started hitting the one I am targeting instead.

Either that... or it just stood there -,-

I'm surprised they haven't fixed this problem...yet?
I have seen all the issues described. In fact, I think they need to really address the responsiveness of combat in general. Sometimes, I press buttons for skills that show ready, but nothing happens.

And targeting is a little awkward. Target nearest does not always target nearest, and using auto target for skill use can get you in trouble with mobs you don't want involved.

All in all, they have some work to do.
I hope they also fix the issue with the the cool downs and the global cool downs. I want the UI to show more responsive to how long before a cool down is up on skills.
I hadn't noticed this much till lately. There have been a couple times when my companion seems to just sit there. I don't control who they target and it seems they alternate targets as the battle proceeds occasionally drawing agro on a mob I haven't gotten to yet. I am also getting more irritated at the slow response when triggering abilities. I've had several battles end without my Ravage triggering till the mob was almost dead.
oh, another thing.
Does anyone notice that sometimes an icon would show on the companion quickbar saying he wants to talk to you either at a private area, or your ship, but it actually has nothing to say to you?
oh, another thing.
Does anyone notice that sometimes an icon would show on the companion quickbar saying he wants to talk to you either at a private area, or your ship, but it actually has nothing to say to you?

Yeah that happens once in a while. If they really want to talk, right click on them and they will say something to the effect of, "when you get a chance, I would like to speak/have a word with you..."

I ran all the way back to my ship one time because Quinn wanted to talk on my ship when he didn't.
I've had that happen to me a couple of times... I think with Aric on the republic side. I could see the notification and when I clicked on him, he wanted to talk, but when I got back to the ship, he had nothing to say.