Class armor sets, worth it?


New Member
Do you all think that the class armor sets are worth it?

Perhaps it's a class by class thing, but for warriors, I have been noticing that in various listings of armor to get, none of the class armor pieces are "suggested". So I am wondering if I should just forgo getting my class armor sets and just work on my other tanking pieces?
I started out hitting instances hard for my set gear, and along the way picked up some damage or stats gear.... then realized that sets aren't all that great, and often times I've lost more +dmg, +crit, or +hit trying to earn marginal set bonuses.

So, my opinion.... and my opinion only: forget about set gear and collect gear that gives you better stats, procs, etc...on each piece

A great place to look for what loot to try for, and where to find it: (and I know I'm re-posting someone else's old link, but it never hurts to bring up this site - it's amazing.)
For my 2 cents I agree with Durruck. If a set piece drops for you great, get it. Just don't hold out hopes with the 3 dungeon sets, 0, .5 and 1. They never did me much good as a caster. They are alittle bit better imho for melee, but not much.
Even the pieces of the Valor set aren't that impressive. Regardless of whether you choose to be a tank or DPS warrior, the set isn't that great... find stat/crit gear for DPS, +def/+stam/+dodge gear for tanking.
Thanks confirming my suspicion, I'll just focus on getting individual tanking pieces for now.
For druids:

Wildheart is a pretty good healer set.

Feralheart is great for Moonkins, especially if you have an Omen of Clarity build.

Neither of the two are good for ferals in the slightest. If you are a killer kitty, go grab shadowcraft. If you are a teddytank, come talk to me and I'll give you an effective loot list.
Durruck said:
I started out hitting instances hard for my set gear, and along the way picked up some damage or stats gear.... then realized that sets aren't all that great, and often times I've lost more +dmg, +crit, or +hit trying to earn marginal set bonuses.

So, my opinion.... and my opinion only: forget about set gear and collect gear that gives you better stats, procs, etc...on each piece

A great place to look for what loot to try for, and where to find it: (and I know I'm re-posting someone else's old link, but it never hurts to bring up this site - it's amazing.)

That is probably THE best link I have ever been to. Thank you so much Randy. I greatly appreciate it.
For my hunter anyway, I am finding the class set to be worth it. I especially find the set bonii to be usefull (with the exception of the +200 armor, just what were they thinking??). The 0.5 set improves the solo capabilities of a hunter, as well as rearranging the stats slightly to benifit the hunter. It removes strength, for example, and replaces it with improved agility and buffs to the pet, as well as improved crit and to hit. All and all not too bad. Now I just have to finish the quest series (am gathering ogre beads at the moment).

Of course the MC set (Tier 1) is better, but it wont come for quite some time as my raiding time is severely limited.
which, I think, is why they made the quests. It was to be a bonus for those people who can't count on getting end-game raiding gear.
Personally from a warrior stand point I think the set as a whole isn't that great. If you split it into to seperate set's it becomes a great start to either a dps or tanking set. The chest piece is the best AP chest around from what I hear, even better than the bloodthirst one. I myself am going to put a serious effort into getting the .5 set so I can use the dps pieces to get my AP up around 950-1000 unbuffed. I think it is very possible, and easy considering most of the pieces I want are quest rewards. Anyway, too tired to type so I'll hear ya later :)