Check out this idea...


New Member
Greetings to all,

To those who don't know me, don't worry I just joined I don't know you either!:D

But I have a burning passion for the Truth, which is Jesus Christ crucified for our sins. This Truth has the power to change the whole world just as it has changed my life (Amen?). It also has the power to change the lives of those in-game we meet everyday. But how often do we consider it.

Well, I consider it all the time, so powerful is the grace that has been given to me. I often feel like Jeremiah, "...the word of the Lord has brought me reproach all day long. But if I say, 'I will not mention Him or speak any more in His name,' His word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in; indeed i cannot." I cannot hold it in, indeed even when I may want to, I yet cannot. For God's Word must be known, His Truth must be understood. Without it Hell is the only outcome.

What are the outcomes of those we pass by everyday? Where will they spend eternity? Just think, for us as the "Redeemed" this Earth is as bad as life gets, but for those who do not know the Truth this life is as good as it gets. And even if they have the "best" life, "what good is it for a man to gain the whole world, and yet lose or forfeit his very self"? So what can we do? What must we do for these people?

  • First, we must pray. Ask God to send out workers to harvest the fields. Ask for soft soil to plant the word of Truth in.
  • Second, we must plant. Sow the word of Truth all around us. Our job is not to make it grow, we are only to sow it and water it; God causes it to grow.

Anyway, the Idea I spoke of: Street Preaching in WoW

I have much experience "Street Preaching". Yeah, it's just what you think it is, preaching on the street.:D Mostly I have done it at the Pier in Oceanside, CA but also in the Grand Canyon (Before almost getting arrested!) and other places: See Attachments. Well, I want to bring this into WoW.

Hmm....what to think about that...I'm not sure. I just feel the Lord leading me this direction.

This is how it works:
In real life I used $1 bills as a reward for answering random trivia questions like "what is the capitol of Australia?" This draws a crowd and then you can ask the big question, "For $20, who thinks they can past my 'Good Person Test'?" Then you have the opportunity to measure them by the 10 Commandments. So, of course, no one ever gets the $20 because, "No one is righteous." You then share the truth about God's judgement and Hell. Then the stage is set for the Truth.

In WoW it would be only moderately different from what I can see:
  • First you couldn't use real money, but I thought gold should work just as well.
  • Second, you would have to type, but maybe there is some way to overcome the laborious work of typing everything each time?

This is a long post already so I will now open it up for discussion, encouragement and help.

God Bless You,

PS- Do you love the Truth? Do you know it? Have you accepted it?
You might want to read the terms of service before trying the idea. Blizzard made it really easy to report people to help deal with gold spammers and I'd hate to encourage you and then your account get banned.
The other thing to check on is if they have any rules about proselytizing. I had a run in at a former work place about the difference between putting color pictures on a table (which included pictures of Jesus as a baby and pictures of snowmen) and proselytising. If they have any type of non-proselytising things, it could be a problem in public. However..... if the guild were willing to put up some gold, and allow people to know there was a question/answer at.... random empty room/building.... had gold available for bible questions, they would 'choose' to come and participate. You'd have to make sure you actually gave out some of the gold though. A thought anyway.
They do that on Wretched Radio (Way of the Master)

It is found first in Romans, it's how Paul starts the letter showing everyone that they are all bent to evil and no one is truely good.

Also some of the greatest preachers used this same method. Like C.H. Spurgeon, the Prince of Preachers.
Sounds like a great thing "how beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news"!!

(without stalking anyone of course)
Anyone wanna help?

I need the following:
  • Prayers - Please let me know if you will join me!
  • Gold - I am only lvl40 and only have 7 Gold currently. I need at least one Gold per question (5-10 questions) and a big prize for the "Good Person Test"(maybe 50 Gold? They never win this. :D).
  • Encouragement - There is nothing better than serving the Lord together!

I think I will do the first complete street preaching session Friday or Saturday night in Ironforge in front of the bank.

Thanks and may God Bless you all and this ministry,

PS - Feel free to PM me if necessary.
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Dreadfoe, just being a realist here. Don't be surprised if you wake up one morning, go to log on to your account to find it banned, temporary or permanently. Our first gild was disbanded because somebody did not like the name "Gods Peons". There was no recourse, just everybody logging in one day to find out /g was awfully quiet from being non-existent.
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Dread - I'll contribute via in-game mail next time I'm on, assuming you understand the risks of going against the Terms of Service. I pray that you'll be successful though!

I find the best way to reach out is by acting in such a way that people ask why i'm different. I give away BoE blues to pug group members, provide them with things I know they need, and craft items for them free with my mats. Once they start asking you questions, you aren't breaking the terms of service. This is a huge reason why I never have any gold (lol), but it's worth it for the reputation I have with several players outside our guild.

I've also found out that if you really know what you're doing in-game, people tend to listen to you more on concerns outside of the game. I try to be the best player I can be so that when I talk to people about our guild and our beliefs, they will be more apt to listen. I am constantly looking out for the others in my group to the extent that I try to bring food, water, and even reagents for other classes in case they run out.

Being nice to people, sacrificing a few BoE items, making stuff for free, being prepared, and playing my role well has resulted in me having several opportunities to witness in-game without the risk of being banned.

While I fully support your idea, just remember that if you aren't able to log in, you won't be reaching anyone at all!

Keep an eye out for my in-game donation!
My in-game name is "Phrycc". I'll be looking for any contributions.

I just read the ToS "Open-Air Preaching" or "Street Preaching" is not against the ToS. But, as always with anywhere you do this, people may simply not like it and call it "offensive". But the best we can do is pray. So pray please!

God is good and if He wants this to happen, it will.

God bless you all,