Chapter Relaunch Needs Players?


Staff member
I just installed Champions and made it to level three. I kinda like the game so far. Playin' on pad actually feels good. Huzzah.

Since we've had the chapter relaunch, who's playing?

I'm thinkin' I'd like to, but I gotta see if I can get any better performance from a technical standpoint. Game is givin' me a couple frames per second... and that's pretty brutal. XD

My handle, I guess to be the right word, is toj.cc_Kendrik. Easy to find. :P
The Keeros (Keero, Gator and Grey) were playing. Keero convinced me to give it another go but IDK if I will stay. I am level 6 now and I can't decide between superspeed or superjump for a travel power. I had tunneling in the beta but I don't miss it that much.

The thing I find about F2P version of the game is what I liked about it has been reduced greatly though. In the full game you could make your character's custom powers and appearance closer to what you want than any other game I know. That is what I enjoyed about it not the overly linear game world. I realize they had to do something to make people want to spend money but once you gimp the thing I liked about CO playing it becomes questionable. IMO what will determine how much one likes the game is if the free archtypes just happen to conform to what you want your character to do. The powers I had in beta and that I want now are unfortunately divided almost evenly between "The Behemoth" and "The Savage" archtypes. Together they have almost all the powers I did except Iron Lariat .

The free character creator is still good though and gives huge freedom without buying any costume pieces. In fact none of the purchasable pieces would have got me closer to what I wanted. So at least I look as close as possible to what I want in the game.

Note: It's not like I am unfamilar with the game I played it huge amounts in the beta. Like I'm going through areas I've run 2-3 times before.
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Interesting, Gerbil-san. I don't mind archetypes so much since, well, I'd effectively be playing an archetype in WoW/etc. Still, I can see why that'd be disappointing.

Since I'm playing a bruiser (aptly named Bruiser), it's not a huge deal for me anyway. :P
I'll work on getting you guys an invite tonight (2~3 hours). Go Super Jump Gerbs!
I'll work on getting you guys an invite tonight (2~3 hours). Go Super Jump Gerbs!

My name is "Mighty Gerbil" on the game if you need the syntax. I'm playing a Behemoth so I'll be a tank. If I do end up playing it will be my only character. I admit smacking dudes upside the head and chucking cars still has it's charm though.
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Well, I'm trying it out. Haven't had much time at it though. Kind of like it so far. I'm much slower at picking these games up then you true blooded gamers. haha!

My handle is "Abea" of course. ;)
Definitely havin' fun with the game despite my horrendous framerate. I'm gonna hafta figure out the social system, though. Mostly... I'm gonna hafta put my controller down so that I can type in your names. :P
Shadows is huge FPS loss in this game. (as most games) Turn them all the way off and you will have huge improvement.

Also /showfps 1 will give you a FPS meter in game.
Shadows is huge FPS loss in this game. (as most games) Turn them all the way off and you will have huge improvement.

Also /showfps 1 will give you a FPS meter in game.
Thanks! I'll do that to see just how bad things are on objective terms.

I'm kinda worried. XD
Cajun checking in, I'm downloading the game right now and would be interested in playing with you guys whenever I'm not pulling my hair out from Rift :p
I tried to add you guys to my friends list, but I don't know how. It wants some @handle thing? What is that?
Roger that Cajun + Puddley, we'll get you an invite ASAP.

With Champions, you can choose whatever name you want, it'll never be taken (unless it's a blatant infringement, like Wolverine, Cyclops, Superman, etc.). So one of my toons could be called Fire Guy, and since other people can have that name, the system uses the "@username" so you can play as the hero you want. Thus, there can be both 'Fire Guy@Keerosene' and 'Fire Guy@whatanub'. In this case, you can begin typing 'Deacon' to the friends list, and it'll show you a few different @ account names. Mine would be 'Deacon@Keerosene' for example.

Edit: Sent you a friends request, Abea.
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Why don't I see friend requests from you, Keero-san? :(

Handle+char should beeee...

Yay! I'm now friends with Keero and Abea! to figure out how to send friend requests when only knowing handles. XD (Edit: I have no idea how to do this. Soooo... character names would be sweet from y'all. Mine, with handle, is currently: Bruiser @toj.cc_Kendrik)

Also, on my new (well... new for me... or at least newly working for me) computer, the game looks super cool and runs great. I'm hyped. Gonna be playin' the heck out of this game now, I think. :O
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You can add a friend without just the handle, I believe...iirc there's a way to add a global friend with the handle, and all alts for that player will automatically show.

Unless I'm thinking of CoH... :P
Thanks Keero for adding me.
I figured out how to add you guys by just adding @ and the name, like @Abea and it seemed to work. Couldn't add one of you though, can't remember which cause I can't find my paper right now. *looks around some more* *and some more* *and a little more* Ahhhhh yes, here it is! I think it was Cajun I couldn't add. *looks at janc* Don't believe I have your handle.

Made it to the powerhouse today. No idea what I'm to do in there, but I'll try to figure it out later on. I'm probably really messing myself up but equipping stuff and putting it here, there or anywhere it will go. Just kind of fumbling through at the moment. Read a few things that were posted here on the forum, followed a few links, watched some vids, but um, yeah, went right over my head. Too much "game speak" that I didn't understand because I haven't played the game much yet. :confused:

See ya all in game, somewhere, somehow, I guess. ;)