champion nerfs and buffs


Tribe of Judah Unreal Tournament Chapter Co-leader
Who do you feel are the biggest offenders of LoL? I think there are some champs that are going to have the nerf bat inc. Those are...

#1 morgana - get's a little too much health from passive...slightly too tanky for what she can do....damage on tormented soil needs to be nerfed "slightly"

#2 akali - Deals a little bit too much damage late game, life steal is a bit much early game. Very hard to get her to go back home.

#3 jax - Just some very small nerfs on his damage out put. Minions should not enable his dodge when sheild is up.

#4 Brand - his fire splash spell should only be able to hit a champion if toching a friendly creep. brand still can just spam this spell and almost always hit a champ. There's no skill invovled in this.

#6 tryndamere - team needs massive ammount of CC and stuns to counter him. I'd hope to see anywhere from 0.50 - 1 seconds reduced from his ult.

#7 annie - take 0.25 to 0.50 seconds off of annie stun. (Or dont' be a noob like me and by tenacity) :p

#8 udyr - nerf his speed stance!

Champs that need buffs

#1 silvr. Increase range to 500

#2 ashe - her ult takes too long and it's a skill shot unlike annies lock on stun. The way I think they can make ashe an actual respectable champ without changing her stats too much around is by taking HALF of the movement slow from her q and W and putting that half into slowing attack speed as well...let's face it, there are times when you seriously don't need your slow arrow to survive an attack. It's more realistic as well because if the champion is getting should slow everything down on him including attack speed.

#3 MF - her ult combines ability power AND attack damage. to copensate for her new ult damage, may take a little damage off of base dmg. Also, enchance her bust size by 3 please.

#4 swain - buff his ult to give a little more health back.

How do you guys feel about this? What champs do you feel need buffing and nerfing?
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#1 morgana - get's a little too much health from passive...slightly too tanky for what she can do....damage on tormented soil needs to be nerfed "slightly"
Nuuuuuuuuu~ Leave Morgana alone!

Seriously, I can only play one champion well in this game. (Well, two, if I get land most of my skill shots with Blitzcrank.) I don't want to see her hit by the nerf bat. :(

As for whether she has an unfair advantage? No idea. I just don't want the one champ I own AND I'm good with nerfed.
I hope that we are not back to nerfing nerfed heroes. Don't know if y'all were playing when Morg gat hit hard the last go around... maybe she just needs a lil' tweaking...? This site tracks nerf/buffs for just about everything...