Chain of the Scarlet Crusade

Tek7 (Legacy)

CGA & ToJ President
In preparation for level 40, I hope to acquire all six pieces of the Chain of the Scarlet Crusade. I purchased the Scarlet Belt from a player in Ironforge, I bought the Scarlet Gauntlets on the Alliance auction house, and I won the Scarlet Wristguards on a roll during a SM run.

That leaves:
The Scarlet Chestpiece only drops off a Scarlet Champion; the Scarlet Leggings only drop off of Herod or Scarlet Commander Mograine.

All three of the remaining pieces are Bind on Equip, meaning that I could find and purchase them from the AH. Still, I would like to also get the Scarlet Key to open the Armory instance.

Any tips on acquiring these four items (the remaining armor pieces and the Key)?

Also, if any guild members acquire any of the armor pieces and would like to sell them, please contact me via PM or in-game mail.
Well the key's nothing special, just drops off one of the mobs in one of the other instances and everybody gets it. Maybe you should just pay one of the 60's to run you through a few times and hope the items drop.
I've run SM probably close to 30 times on two characters and I have only ever seen a scarlet item drop once.
um ya just get some 60's to run it on my char on mel'ginis i had a lv 48 pally and i think iv ran that 50 times and most of them drop off the main bosses
I've run SM a few times since my last post and I have yet to see any blue Scarlet mail armor drop. (I have seen Raging Berserker's Helm drop three times now. I have in the bank and one in my bags.)

Should I just quit farming for blue Scarlet mail armor, or stick it out? If I abandon collecting the full Chain of the Scarlet Crusade set, what pieces should I be watching for as I approach level 40?

EDIT: Maybe I should find someone to craft Tough Scorpid armor for me instead?
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Hunters are not as gear dependant, get stuff that ends in "of the monkey". This will last you a lot longer than going for the whole scarlet set. Even though the set is mail, it is intended for warriors/pallys since they get the full benefits of the set. The set gives 12 agility and 56 stam. Armour/str arent important stats for hunters unless pvping; even then a warrior/pally can do more with 1000 arm and 44 str. Focus more on agility and stamina, get the best gun/bow/xbow you can on the ah or instances every 5 lvls and you'll do fine. I used the starting bow till 35 ish till I just bought something off the AH, I still use the bow in bwl/mc to lower the dps and not pull agro.

Edit: As far as the tough scorpid stuff goes, its hard to find people that can craft it. Can always check the AH for it.
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