CGA Bible Study

No questions, only a comment.


I work from a dinosaur computer and have no sound device. But if I may assist in any way that can bypass that issue, please let me know. I also want to thank you from the bottom of my heart that this will also be posted in the Bible study area. I know I am more than likely the only one that will not be able to use TeamSpeak, but posting these lessons will also be a blessing to those who may not be able to attend.

I am very thankful and feel blessed to be a part of this wonderful group of Christians and I am very excited to see continual growth in not only the individuals, but the ministry as a whole.
HELLO OUT THERE IN CYBER SPACE........ how are we supposed to grow when we have soo few of you willing to step up to the plate to help with Jesus' ministry. More information the leaders will be given a outline to follow for a number of months at least. Would it help to drop your promise to 6 months time???? We were hoping this would be a jumping off point so that others will start branching off from this one. My suggestion to all of you is to look deep in your hearts and pray about it. I kept telling God "NO" to the newsletter, but He wouldn't take "NO" for an answer. I always wait on God's timing but many of us feel that this is the time to move forward.
I thought Litsafalda was half nuts for asking me to help with the newsletter. Sorry, sister, but 'tis true. Now, I didn't mind assisting but praying publicly? Since that time, I have been given a book on how to pray His Word by someone who had no idea of Litsafalda's request of me, and I have been called upon to pray publicly many times! I could've never done that in the past! Better still, I am employed by a company that understands the importance and power of prayer. God did so much with that little tiny mustard seed of willingness on my part! He will take everything we give Him and multiply it beyond our wildest dreams, imaginations, and fantasies!
If you are willing to serve the LORD, He will give you the necessary tools, I promise. Not only that, your faithfulness will cause Him to bless us and grow us as a whole.

I would like to also share if God has given you a gift that you are not using, and better yet, using for His glory, it is in danger of being pruned! I have also been reminded this week, doing things for God is a not only a way of showing our love for Him, but in addition, it is a way of "fasting" our time.

Won't you step up to the plate and offer assistance? It is for precious souls and sharing God's Word? is the only thing that we will be able to take to Heaven with us!

Take a running dive right in, the waters fine! ;)
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Tek and I recently chatted about this. I have a few things going on right now that are taking up my time. ie wife's chemo treatment and related items. But I would like to helpout anyway I can.
I am deeply saddened that this has not gotten more responses. I guess again it just must not be God's timing, but if any of you feel differently then you need to speak up now. I have "met" many of you through gaming, iming, or you have touched my heart by you honest and heartful posts. I know that there are probably many of you who feel that this is something that you should be doing etc, but you have yet to say anything.

Again I am going to ask you to pray over it, and then take a leap of faith because 1) with God all things are possible and 2) I have personal experience as to how blessed you can get, even in down times, by following what He has put before you.

Regardless I feel that something is going to happen even if it again is only a few people participating. With all of us who are here though, we could really do something quite amazing.
Again let me explain what atm we are looking for.....we need people to teach and lead the studies atm. We will be providing an outline for the study etc. We want things to be more consistant and coordinate together. Eventually, we hope to branch out to have a different day/time/study but for now this is the plan. Still interested ????