Car accident

rev. Jim

New Member
A guest of ours just received a call that her daughter and friend were in a serious accident and in the hospital.

No names please. Pray for healing.
Firstly, thank you to everyone who is agreeing with us in prayer. Sorry about not giving names, but that was requested by our guest.

Updates: When they arrived at the hospital, the driver (our guests daughter) had leg injuries of varying kinds,

and the passenger (driver's friend) was placed in a full body cast and screaming in pain.

SINCE we all began praying:

The driver has been released and not held at the hospital,
and the friend who was in terrible pain is now doing much better.

I don't have all the details at this time, but even the doctors are amazed. So keep it up, and give the LORD praise and thanks because He is showing His healing power in this situation!
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